The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

Why? For people that don’t like to see it, out of sight out of mind.

More often than not, at night it’s in emotes in the street out front of the inn.

It’s also the low level 5-10 quest hub and skill training area for new characters. There are things you actually have to go into the inn to do.

Good luck trying to control what people say in private chat, friend.

Pro tip: You won’t succeed ever.




I spend a total of… 10 seconds in there handing in and picking up the two quests

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I would say that at most that Blizzard should give a warning when making a character on Moonguard realm that there is a (higher) risk of people attempting to roleplay with you in a sexual manner and that you should pick another realm if you are unable to tolerate that happening.

If people wanna erp that’s their own business as far as I am concerned. As for the age thing, frankly I would expect the majority of the people doing this stuff in Goldshire to be younger kids who think its a funny joke.

When it started to spread around that the upstairs rooms in Goldshire were the place to go for erp, people started to show up that didn’t really want to erp but to mock and meme the people that were doing it in a more private way. This is why it is escalating, the trolls feel the need to try and one up each other.


Moonguard is a problem? Get real I notice you threw in 12 and up game. Hardly any kids here anymore but every kid in the world has access to internet almost. How many kids roam the internet compared to how many play on moonguard? I think you meant the internet is the problem.


Kids don’t play World of Warcraft.


consensual and mutual ERP on a known ERP server between freaks who want to be freaks with one another is not sexual harassment. get a grip


Years ago in the text mud days there were some serious academic attempts at using the rp feature of these kind of games to create ‘therapeutic’ environments in which guided role play might be useful for folks with forensic sexual difficulties.

It didn’t end well as the therapists were personally incapable of moderating the behaviour by ‘clients’ and in disgust gave up the effort. I might be able to find some of the data collected then as I helped in a ‘technical’ sense, helping set up the game and servers needed.

I can see wow being used for things like fear of heights, spider, and other phobias, but in this case on this issue it is disturbing to say the least. At least for those of us with a semi-normal psyche.


They’ve had an answer for you 17 years ago.

ESRB Notice: Game Experience May Change During Online Play


When two parties consent to a behavior is not harassment.


People choose to be there. That’s not sexual harassment. :roll_eyes:

From a female perspective, your perspective makes zero sense. Blizzard isn’t forcing you to go to Goldshire.

Consent to be there and participate isn’t sexual harassment. Learn the difference.


Now we’re talking :smiley: This is the kind of arguments I like to see, Blizz wants to play placation here is a thing everyone knows exists and Blizz doesn’t do anything about.


And if someone makes a human and shows up at Goldshire after finishing the starting quests only to be accosted?

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Thats nothing

Look up runescape world 3 lumbridge

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Well, it’s not an ERP server first off, second off people do it in DMs/whispers not in public even when they do do it, and if you’re getting upset that people are doing /dance in the night elf female’s model then… idk

I think you just have some problem with moon guard but wanna somehow relate it to this issue even though it makes no sense

also how is sexual roleplay in private dms in a video game thats consensual have anything to do with real life sexual harrasment? christ these stretches are crazy

They don’t. People will ignore you unless you purposely say you’re looking for something.

Why do you people just assume things without ever even seeing for yourself?

Also they don’t ERP out in public. It’s in DMs. It’s not like you walk inside and see a whole bunch of /e lets out a fat nut


just report the inappropriate behavior OP. Blizz doesn’t need to take the initial steps for you. grow up. :-1:


Only new players wouldn’t know about MG Goldshire. And I’ve never once heard of anyone being “accosted” when picking up quests. I’ve been on MG since it launched. Someone may get a whisper asking a question, which can be either ignored or told no. But people aren’t “accosting” or harassing lowbies that are questing. 90% of the time, you don’t hear anything, because everyone there is in parties and whispers. The other 10% isn’t harassment.

If someone does somehow get harassed? Report, ignore, move on. But in all of the years MG has existed, this is so extremely rare and easy to respond to.


All of this. :point_up:

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