The GMs do not want to argue with me

I am currently appealing a permanent suspension of the LA forums, I want to discuss this issue and the GMs only answered me as bots, in fact they call me by another name.
At the moment they threatened me with closing the account completely (I would lose the progress and the investment of everything that I invested in so many years).
My problem is that I want to discuss my appeal but they are closed and protected with the code of conduct (for me and that abusing it)
GMs are supposed to give you solutions no more problems.

How should I act then before this? They do not want to argue with me and if I make another ticket on the subject they block my account forever. I think that they should force a GM (from LA) to discuss my suspension (which I consider unjustified) in order to reach an agreement.

How can they say “customer service” if they do not even want to have a civilized conversation where they can prove my faults with proof?

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You do not get to argue your case. You appealed it and another set of eyes have looked at the same evidence. And come to the same conclusion. That’s it. That’s how the appeals process works. You do not get to argue your case. This is not a court of law. If lizard had said it will accept no more tickets. Then the issue is done. You do not get any further Appeals. Blizzard looks solely at the data. Objectively. Not subjectively. Unfortunately there’s nothing more to be done. Regardless of your feelings.


Just a comment on this one: It’s not entirely uncommon for them to accidentally miss on a copy/paste of a name, just as it’s not uncommon for grammar and spelling mistakes by us regular posters. Blizzard answers aren’t bots, but they do utilize some pre-formatted responses for things because why type a paragraph fifty times a day to say “This has been reviewed and the suspension upheld.”

Usually if you’ve appealed something to the point that Blizzard’s reps tell you to stop, that the decision won’t change, YES, that is the next escalation if you won’t listen. It’s in your court.

Blizzard won’t argue with you. It is their game, their rules, their forums, and when they say “we made this decision” and “we reviewed and upheld this decision”, it is done.


Well, I see that badly, because it’s true that they only look at data but they do not “analyze” the topic. It is assumed that customer service is to solve problems not to do what they do. I understand that they must be tired of checking thousands of tickets a day, but it is their job.
I always feel that I speak with a machine instead of a person. But that of “taking action against your account”, I mean, I see that very badly on their part.
I am sure that if I managed to converse with some of them we would reach a conclusion.
Besides, I feel that the moderators are very “liberated” when doing their actions, but that is already the company’s problem. As a user or client, I should only report it or make it noticed.

To expand on Thunder’s 100% correct answer, there is no argument. It is a strict binary decision. Either you did or you did not. Period. Is it a yes or is it a no.

There is no it is a yes but this is because why situation. There is no I believe no due to this. Yes or no. Fresh eyes look at each appeal. This was not the same person upholding their own decision. It was another GM coming to the same conclusions with the data that they have. And believe me when I say they have ALL the data.


The appeals process is not a dialogue. You do not get to present your evidence. Nor do they have to present their proof. All the appeals process is another set of eyes looking at the same data. Which happened in your case. And the decision was upheld. That’s it. There is nothing more to be said. It’s over.


And then what is the appeal for? or so that this action of the ticket is enabled?
I mean, it’s not even necessary to write my case? I only write “Hi, I want to appeal.” and that’s it?
Are you telling me it’s a waste of time?

The same GM has answered me several times and I am even sure that the one who suspended me was the same person. I even asked to talk to that GM or Moderator to see if there was a problem between the two.

Already answered. It’s to remove the chance of single human error by having a second person review it.


The appeals process is to have somebody else look at it. As I stated you do not get to present your case. This is a very black and white issue. I assume since we’re talking about the Latin American forums that English is not your first language. You are arguing subjective versus objective. Their interpretation of the rules is objective. Your seems to be subjective.


Nor are the forums themselves a place for further appeal.


Easily, because that isn’t what Customer Support is there for. They, and specifically the Moderators in this case, are there to enforce our Code of Conduct. Violations of our policies tend to work one way, either we have evidence that you violated policy or not.

Those violations aren’t subject to your interpretation, they are subject to ours. Based on our policies and procedures. Mistakes do happen, which is why we have an appeals process but this otherwise isn’t a court of law. You aren’t given the right to face your accusers or to argue your case before a jury of your peers. For appeals we have another member of the staff review the evidence. If they agree that it violated our policy, that is that and the penalty is upheld. If they do not, it is overturned.

In your case, you have a history of violations on the old forums, which eventually lead to a permanent suspension. This carried over to the new forums.

You are lucky that it only applied to the LA forums, as you technically shouldn’t be able to post here either.

From what I can see they did that once, Lunafreya. That is called a mistake, they likely just closed another ticket and mistakenly put that persons first name instead of yours. Considering you have submit around 20 appeals in the month of November alone, a mistake isn’t unheard of.

I’m sorry, but the forums is not the appropriate place to appeal your penalty and as this has been reviewed multiple times we are well into the point where further review/discussion will not be possible.


Scripted replies aren’t bots.

As mentioned earlier in thread, they help out Blizzard GMs save time/effort not having to type a few common things over and over each day and keep some uniformity to their replies.
Doesn’t mean they are bots, doesn’t mean they’re not reading your responses, doesn’t mean they’re lazy, and it doesn’t mean they can’t make a mistake.


Vrakthris, whether or not you like it, is technically correct. Blizzard in NO WAY considers whether the result is fair or not, it merely decides yes or no. Take for example a case before Battle Net took over. Someone reports your character name as bad. It is a two word name. One of the words they take issue with, so they force a namechange. You inform them of the fact that all your characters have the objected to name in their names. They force all renames, even though you find 73 other instances of the same word being in names on that server alone that are not yours. They WILL NOT force the namechanges on those people, they do NOT universally enforce on others who have the same word in their name on them, EVEN THOUGH they are coming down on you for it. IN NO WAY IS BLIZZARD REQUIRED TO BE FAIR. It’s their game, they are allowed to be inconsistent in their decisions and to not accept any testimony/evidence that you wish to present, even if the evidence is on their own databanks.

Just realize Blizzard practices in this way and if that means you leave, they don’t care, but feel free to if you want. Or you just move on and play and drop it. Either way they will feel they win, not you.

By the way, the example I provided was an actual issue had back in 2010. It caused no small amount of headaches on my part.

But what you should be getting from this Original Poster is: Blizzard will do what they want. The appeals process is not in any way related to any appeals process you’ve ever experienced. It will get weird, it may not make sense to most people. It just is what it is.

I chose the second one, I just moved on and played. You can’t pound common sense into people, whether they be the Original Poster, or even the Blizz team.

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Was it really necessary to bump a 3 day old thread just to complain about you being forced to rename your inappropriately named characters.

The way they handle this makes perfect sense and isn’t weird at all. You’re just saying that because you didn’t get your way, same as OP.


Yindar, you obviously lost the point of the post. In an effort to provide some comfort and a look at how things work, I wanted the OP to realize that even if it doesn’t make sense to them, it is what it is, and that’s all there is to it.

I’m so sorry you completely missed the point altogether.

I mean, I didn’t get that being your point because that’s not what you said. But ok.


Just to touch on this, since Blizzard holds everyone to the same rules, it actually is indeed fair. Just because nobody else had reported those other names, doesn’t make it okay for you to have broken the rules too.

Blizzard responds to player reports. They don’t go after people who have also chosen an inappropriate name, even if it’s a different name.

As for your claim that Blizzard doesn’t care, it’s sorta silly considering you were the one that didn’t care enough to follow the rules. I mean, they didn’t force you to choose an inappropriate name after all.


You do realize that battle .net is Blizzard right? Battle .net didn’t take over anything. It’s the name of Blizzard’s game hosting and distribution system.


It’s an improvement over the constant complaints of Activision taking over, at least.


Battlenet has been around as long as blizzard. Which is longer than World of Warcraft.