Or they’re on their 6th alt having a good time ??
CheckPvP shows their mains are hardstuck 2100, they’re just making the new fotm every week hoping to climb.
You literally just need two friends that are half decent at the game
I met mine playing competitive fortnite and they’re 3x glads now (including SL s4)
You guys are just scared to talk to people. Network. Prove you’re decent. Be friendly.
Hardstuck 2100 in shuffle or in premade?? Because 2100 right now in premade is essentially glad mmr.
If they stop at 2100 in shuffle maybe they dont care about legend?
This game is dead, wtf you talking about? Most people quit because it’s not going to get better, and the likelihood of you meeting people with your same schedule through the current dead LFG is zero to none.
Do any of you people exist in reality or is everyone’s head stuck so far up their butt they can’t understand anything anymore?
Damn bro, that’s some serious aggression you’re holding on to there.
Maybe you
Inb4 “my girl is a dime piece” or some dumb Canadian gf lie.
Did you read the rest of what I said I know my situation is a bit odd but I met my teammates playing COMP FORTNITE lol
Theres people out there that will play with you. You could even teach a rival if you’re truly that good. As long as the season does inflate its always an accesible goal.
R1 is the only achievement that has other factors baked in
It’s just reality son, it’s a dead playerbase and they shouldn’t be catered to anymore.
3s should die, and it will if the current trend continues.
Blizz needs to speed up the process and put the bullet in the head by removing Glad, it’s sad seeing 3s limping around like an old dog that Blizzard fails to save year after year.
RSS is the future.
I’d rather keep it in a dead bracket than it go to bracket where it hands mounts to life time rival players.
You don’t have a choice in that matter, it’s dead because it’s a garbage bracket that no one cares about.
Being a glad in 3s is like being the worlds tallest midget, you’re still the shortest one around.
The real competition is in Shuffle where 10x the players are located.
It’s dead because players like you that can’t earn rating in an actual bracket are recieving welfare rating.
Lmao I just checkpvp’d you and you haven’t hit 2400 a single day of your life, you claim RSS is a free bracket but are hardstuck Rival and on top of that your peak in your ENTIRE career is 2100.
No wonder you’re so giga salty, someone like me who has no prior XP can shoot up to 2400 while you bottom out in the garbage leagues.
Stay mad bro, 3s is a dead bracket and no matter how much you simp for it with your Duelist XP you will not be able to climb or get it this season.
Lol I queue it for vault only and you’re now than welcome to see The last time I queued it.
Your never been past rival roll rss. That should say a lot.
Keep trying to buy carries but gifting subs. We haven’t forgotten your pika thread.
You’re one of those trash players that will whisper someone looking for games with your joke of a rss XP.
1800 2s > your 2400rrs lol
Switch Gladiator back to end of season top 0.5%. Bring a bit of prestige back to the title.
I’m almost 1800 in 2s with a 70% W/R on the main, I lose 2 games for every 15 wins.
The game isn’t hard, no one is buying carries and i’m objectively a better player than you.
The difference between me and you is that you like to play Forum PvP while I play actual PvP which explains your god awful rating and constant cry baby attitude.
You mean your welfare rss rating?
You call it welfare but stuck at 1800 rss LOL
You act like I queue. Haven’t queued rss on this druid in over a month because I raid and do mythic keys for gear.
The priest I queue on onceI get my 3 wins I afk the other rounds. Just capping vault. Got mog on 2 different healers and will have it on my fistweaving monk next
Your rss rating or anyone else’s rss rating means nothing. Maybe you think it does but I respect and will invite an actual rival player to do 2s/3s with before I would an elite rss player.
LOL bro keep making up excuses, it’s a welfare bracket that you sit here and whine about but that’s your HIGHEST RATING and you’re ONLY RIVAL
Let me give you a word of advice, don’t talk to people who know more than you about the game or you’ll embarrass yourself.
Now get off the forums and go practice your rotation, kid.
Know more? Like you trying to demand a carry for subs? ROFL
Enjoy your welfare