The Glad Mount is being gatekept behind 3s Rating and it's not fair

Talking about it and spreading misinformation are two different things.

nothing would change they just make new accounts. its happened before. they’re selling their ability to play the game not their accounts lol.

RSS has probably hurt their sales yea.

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Who decides what is misinformation, those w something to hide or money to be made? Massive ecological disaster, train wreck in the media, and its almost media blackout on that story. Notice they dont talk about the cities w toxic drinking water, but they have infinite billions to spend on perpetual wars. Bringing light to it would be labeled misinformation today. Its all about silencing you, the player. Nothing to see here.

Yes because they are making soo much money, they can just buy endless accounts and keep going. Something Blizz should fix.

Yeppers, and it brings me great JOY! lol.

Make Gladiator for Solo Q because the pvp aspect of the game is going to slowly lose players for pvp and eventually die otherwise, if you want a title for players to achieve just make Rank 1 for 3v3 ONLY so that people are forced to make a TEAM again like back in BC and Wraith, to get that rank otherwise it is going to be just Rank 1s anyways and no Glad’s hardly because of the way inflation and LFG is dead.

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The comments on this thread are akin to people that bought a house in the 90s, telling people that are complaining about housing prices today to pull up their boot straps and push.

With a dash of superiority and not being handed a “participation trophy”. It’s pixels in a video game, in a niche game mode that 90% of the playerbase couldn’t care less about. You aren’t special for having a mount.

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Is this what happened to filtron or whatever his name was?

Nah. Glad mount isnt a house in the 90s thats more like red enchant or something telling people to be happy with the modern ones.

Getting one glad doesn’t guarantee others. You still need to queue up and push like everyone else.

Plenty of mount havers on here who wont get theirs this season who arent crying.

Only people i see panhandling for the mount are first time RSS players


The only valid point OP makes is that 3s is dead.

I sat in LFG for 2-3 hours last night and found zero groups that I was eligible for as I don’t play a meta spec and my highest XP is only Duelist from a year or two ago.

I did find a Discord server with some people and tossed my name up on there but got no bites, and I tried to add people off CheckPvP and whisper them to see if I can maybe network around.

Then I realized I was putting such an insane amount of effort for a 20 year old MMO when I could just be doing something more productive with my life and stopped trying.

If you ask me, I think Glad and the mount being locked behind a ladder that realistically only a small group of the same people season after season can hit while the rest not being able to access due to population issues is not a good thing for PvP.

There needs to be a reasonable path for every achivement in the game, the PvE equivalent is Mythic Raz and anyone can go for it but only few make it but the process of getting there is open if people did want to try but Glad for people is a very closed off endeavor and it doesn’t make it prestigious or rare but rather the opposite effect where people just stop caring.


IMO It needs to return to % not 2400 no question. 2400 is outdated the moment rss dropped. Deflation is no joke.

Yeah that’s a mood.

I think the problem with this for pvp is RSS genuinely destroyed peoples interest in rated pvp despite it being a perfectly fun game mode. Least resistance and all that.

Yeah I can see that, rating and titles mean very little now due to RSS inflation.

literally never should glad mount be obtainable from RSS

stop the cope


The biggest cope is locking it behind a dead bracket and acting like people should be ok with it.

There’s over 100k solo shuffle players and less than 3k on 3s, you do the math.

Blizzard needs to stop hand holding a dead bracket and let it die.


Glads crying… “Blizzard, make the bads play 3s… I cannot rank without scrubs in the queue…”

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get friends and get good in 3s idk what else to say

you guys wanted this btw. you cried for solo q now you got it and it killed your only avenue to glad


So if/when they add a “legend mount” for rss, is it ok if people who like 2s start asking for that? Or random bgs? Or 3s?

Can I get the ksm mount for doing enough random heroic dungeons? Or aotc mount for doing LFR?

Things exist in exclusivity for a reason.

Needing a fomo fix doesn’t mean it has to be fed by whoever you demand feeds it.

It’s ok to not get things. It’s ok for other to get things and you not to.

Everyone knew coming into the season that glad title and mount was 3s only and not rss.

But rss is easier, lower barrier to entry, etc. So most people flocked there. That’s fine. But you knew there was no mount for it besides the seasonal mount.

You gatekept yourself. And so did everyone else who did rss and not 3s now crying about the mount and title that was clearly not listed there.


Wrong I can’t do 3s because it’s dead and LFG groups aren’t going to break past 1300.

You have to be the most out of touch human on the forums if you can’t comprehend why it’s hard for people to climb on a dead ladder.


Did you know that rss didn’t offer the glad mount and title before the season?

Idc what it did or didn’t offer before, a year ago we had a dead game with no hope of revival and RSS pulled it out of the coffin only for people to still cling onto a dead format and not let RSS thrive with glad.

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RSS is thriving plenty without it.

It’s not going to die because glad and mount don’t go to it.

95% of the pvp player base doesn’t get glad, won’t get glad, won’t get legend or crimson legend.

And yet rss is massively popular. And it will remain so due to ease of play and low barrier to entry. For the major casual player base it’s fantastic.

The people who are all hot and bothered now that the mount and title that was clearly not given for that game mode are just fomo junkies.

They should just make a mount that goes with legend, the rss version of glad anyway.

That’s a you problem.

You go to Taco Bell and then get mad they don’t have burgers? Start demanding the drive through worker to make you a burger because that’s what you wanted but didn’t care that Taco Bell doesn’t make burgers?


This is why I quit wow, me being able to hit 2960 in solo and 2.2k in 3s through LFG in early season and now because the LFG is dead I can’t even push anymore. It’s just a pain to deal with. Decided to play different games like hogwarts and spider man way more fun.

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I never said it would die without it, I want to see 3s rot. I want the final nail on the coffin to be removal of Glad, and it being put into RSS.

The game mode is literally impossible to get into, it’s not a prestige to have glad it just means you’re a no life neckbeard who needs to find a woman in your life and not spend every waking hour trying to play a dying MMO.

Unless you’re a streamer, AWC player or a no life neckbeard which makes up 0.5% of an already small 5% PvP population for arenas you will not be able to get to even TRY for the mount or title.

So tell me why Blizzard should coddle a dead bracket with a dying playerbase instead of just putting it out of its misery?

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