Lmao “Make friends” is the same energy as telling a depressed person “Smile more”, I swear the people who die on the 3s hill have zero understanding of how little glad matters to 99% of players.
Who cares if 0.5% of 1k people who have the network/XP to do 3s get it?
It’s more impressive if 100k+ people who play Shuffle can become 0.5% to get it.
I find it so funny when people complain about the “same people” getting it. What’s so special about them? What are they doing you can’t?
Do you think that gladiator is only possible if your name is cdew, pikaboo, or xaryu? Find people at your skill/xp level that are willing to get better and put the time in. If you already believe there’s some innate genetic gift these players have then you might as well quit now.
Watch the best play, watch yourself play. Stop thinking about the glad mount, the title, and worry about what you could’ve changed in your last match. Things like this come with time.
This rat warrior brings a good suggestion, give us a recolor.
Most people don’t have XP, most people will not sit in a dead LFG to find partners, most people cannot join Glad guilds/communities/Discord due to no XP, it’s not something your average player can even try to compete for since the skill levels are too high at even the mid range due to deflation.
Please for the love of god open your eyes and understand how dead the game is and how little people can actively even compete for Glad let alone trying to convince people to try and play it, it’s done.
It’s a dying game mode.
Shuffle should get the same rewards, it has over 100k+ players.
Stop catering rewards to the very little minority that still plays 3s.
Anecdotal, and you stop pretending is not a problem. I don’t give any fx about the mount, my selfworth ain’t tied to a dead game but I’m sure plenty of folks like to have a shot at the skin of the new breed of mounts introduced in df.
It’s not hard to find friends by afking in lfg “cracked hunter looking for btags for glad push”. Also you can get a lot of btags by whispering people in shuffle that you play well with.
Why are you so upset about not being able to get a mount in a video game?
no, its not gatekeeping, glad is an achievement you lazy bum
you dont “deserve” anything, you have to earn it
you earn glad in rated arena, not shuffle, since shuffle is just a free for all and thats not really the same thing. arena is proper pvp and shuffle is just the pvp version of ordering a pizza.
You should be able to post yourself in lfg to find partners while you are queued for random bgs or already queueing arena/shuffle/ sitting in lfg with someone else and you should even be able to look for people while offline.
The entire partner finding system needs to be revamped. People should be making threads crying about outdated lfg instead of glad mount not being welfare
The point is that due to systematic changes to the game, it’s not just about skill in order to get it but also fighting against the tide of low population because of SS which is out of people’s control and not a skill issue.
They’ve been playing for years and have many friends who will queue with them immediately whenever they want which due to an outdated lfg tool and a lower 3’s population due to SS, is what is most difficult about getting glad now for players like OP.
(Edit: didn’t realize I replied to the same player twice my b <3)