The genius of fresh start TBC only

Of course people will still argue. Fresh server players are going to still cry up a storm that people aren’t forced to play with them and then their servers die off for being too low pop. This is GOING TO HAPPEN!

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I suppose if this is all just a hypothetical you’re considering in your head, there’s no harm screwing everyone out of the time and effort they’ve invested.

If you’re arguing for it in real life, as something you hope Blizzard does…understand that’s very harmful to a great many people that have invested time and effort into it, and it’s seen as such.

I wouldn’t begrudge you a set of fresh-start TBC servers…that would be peachy by me…but your title suggests you’d have everyone subjected to this fresh-start idea, without option.

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So to be a “true TBC fan” I have to want to play through classic content again? Wouldn’t a true BC fan want to play BC content?

They have never left a copy of old content behind when releasing an expansion. What are you even arguing

These “FRESH” server guys don’t seem to understand just how dependent TBC’s faction balance actually is on “Vanilla” for that to work out.

What’s that old saying, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it”.

Faction ratio queues. Should have been in classic at release, would work for TBC.


Yup, 100% they should have had signups with very clearly labled population ratios and even pre-formed “Friend / guild” lists so that blizzard could manually get in there before launch and balance things if need be.

Although that’s asking for people to do work, and as we all know people avoid doing work now days.

Hell, have them for the fresh servers only. Let the ones causing the imbalance on vanilla servers transfer to non fresh servers to reap what they’d sown.

They ought to do something differently with TBC, like create new servers based on signups, and use data from the players active Classic characters whom are on the sign up list to determine what server they are going to.

They could even have guild signups that also require a certain number of guild members to sign up for the guild group to go over. They could even form friend networks, so that friends and guilds and healthy communities could transfer over to TBC with out any real interruption, but at the same time broken servers that are insanely lopsided can be broken up as required, and new blood added where it needs to go, and over growth can be transplanted elsewhere.

At least, that’s how I would do it, and damned be the complainers who say “you broke my broken server”

That a forced fresh start is the worst possible idea for an expansion

That’s almost a worse idea than a forced fresh start. I have to wait to log in until more of the opposite faction come online even if the server is half empty? Thank god you don’t work for blizz.

Its amazing how many people don’t remember that wow was at one point very alliance heavy, and BE’s were designed specifically to entice players to reroll horde. And rerolling is the cost of that advantage. F R E S H essentially makes rolling a BE mandatory, by getting rid of the “cost” of playing the OP race. I don’t see how people don’t get it.

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I see a lot of worry about PvP servers especially being incredibly lopsided in favor of Horde in TBC for a few reasons but none of that stopped several Classic PvP servers from being almost entirely 1-sided.

At some point people have to come to grips with the fact that a non-negligible amount of PvP players prefer playing on PvP servers with little actual threat of being outmatched and outnumbered in PvP. Blood Elves might make that a bit more prominent but not by the amounts people say they will.

If TBC is fresh-only there’s definitely going to be a bit more Blood Elf rerolling instead of bringing in an established Alliance playerbase from Classic, but if we go the Classic to TBC server transfer route I imagine most veteran players will focus on their mains before making Draenei and Blood Elf alts.

I was actually surprised at how balanced pvp servers were when I looked it up. There’s were only a few horrifically imbalanced ones, I really though it would be a lot worse. I think most of the “imbalance” comes from player mindset. More horde players are really into pvp, and more alliance players are really into pve, regardless of server type. My server was allegedly 52/48 horde in phase 2, but it felt like 90/10.

You’re right. It’s not a huge problem save for a couple servers. I think “Everyone will abandon Alliance to go Blood Elves!” thing holds a lot less water if we don’t go the “fresh only” route.

I’ll play TBC Classic regardless of how Blizzard rolls out the expansion but I see more merit to the “keep our characters” side of things vs. “everyone start at the same point” thing. Ideally, you’d have both options.

I’m just hoping that either Bloodsail gets upgraded to TBC or they have a RP-PvE server of TBC flavor to transfer to or roll fresh on.

I get it, you are rabidly against anything that would be good for server health.

Oh absolutely. BE’s are OP, but like I said earlier that cost of rerolling is too much for a lot people. This is especially true if they stick with the original TBC timeline and BE’s/draenei aren’t available until the dark portal opens. Your friends will be raiding, and you’ll be level 35. A fresh start removes that “penalty” for rerolling one of the new races.

Also when you look at the 2 communities it makes sense why they’re split like they are. In most cases pallies are better for pve, so the pve community is heavy alliance. Horde racials are generally considered better for pvp, so the pvp community is majority horde. When you give one faction better pvp and pve racials, while removing the cost of that advantage, of course everyone will be horde. There’s absolutely no reason not to be. Anyone who thinks this isn’t the case should look at how many guilds faction changed to horde during MoP when berserking was ridiculously OP. If your class could be troll you play troll end of story.

I hope they keep servers intact in both classic and BC. It’s the best solution imo

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No I just want to play the game. There’s no reason anyone should have to wait in a queue to play when there’s room on servers. There’s pros and cons to being both the smaller and larger factions on a server, and that’s part of the game.

Even though I started playing WoW during the middle of TBC, and back then, for me, it was a “fresh start” server, I wouldn’t want this personally–speaking as a true lover of TBC (not even rose-tinted goggles.) Progress from Classic WoW should carry over in to TBC, let the game run from Classic-TBC-Wrath (imo, stop there. Those were the greatest days of WoW imvho, and I can say Classic from my multitude of friends and second-hand knowledge of them swamping me with details of their adventures in the game that got ME interested in the first place) and let people carry over their progression.


PvE is actually the driving force to play horde. I know players like to point out that horde has great PvP racial, but so does human for arena