The gearing system is broken

I have 7+ pieces of gear in my bags that are just sitting around even though they’re higher ilvl than my current gear (sometimes even by 20). I’ve also vendored multiple pieces at this point that are also higher ilvl than what I’m currently using.

This is because:

  • I can’t break my s1 4pc until I get s2 4pc (of which I have 1, which is from the M+ freebie). If I don’t get any tier from my vault, it’ll take basically a month and a half before I get to wear a new helm, shoulders, chest, and gloves.
  • My rings have sockets, while the new ones that dropped don’t (it’s only an upgrade at 441 if it has ideal itemization – the ones I got either have very unideal itemization or are only upgradeable to 437)
  • My Elemental Lariat from S1 is still better than 441 necklaces. I’m keeping 2 of them around in my bags just in case, but it’ll be another 2 weeks before I get another spark, which I still might not use for replacing my lariat.
  • A lot of the dungeon trinkets are horrendous. There’s basically one dungeon trinket that’s on par with raid trinkets, while others are mid at best (and I’d still use them, but they haven’t dropped yet).
  • The dungeon loot pool is absolutely CRAMMED with rings, necklaces, and capes. This makes it really hard to get any upgrades. Our group’s healer has run Vortex Pinnacle 38 times and still hasn’t seen a single Rainsong (even with us trying to loot spec for it), let alone loot it herself.

I’m sure many others are running into this same situation, so here’s my question:

Is this intended design?

Are we actually supposed to get gear that’s 10 to 30 ilvls higher than what we’re currently wearing, and leave it in our bags for weeks, maybe even months? Are the ridiculously bloated and unbalanced dungeon loot pools considered acceptable?

I don’t know, I guess I’m just kind of frustrated :dracthyr_shrug:


Your lariat IS NOT better than your 441 neck. Your lariat is only good if you have a ton of gems to proc from it.

This is ehy you also think your socketed rings are better, because you’re forcing the lariat use.

The 441 neck with higher ilevel rings will be better than a 421 lariat and 421 rings with sockets.


You can craft the 424 one with the spark

I have to keep 1 crafted ring for my flavor pocket.

Though that all makes sense, I did consider that might be the case and simmed it:

The necklace in that sim is 441, and I moved my Illimited diamond to it since it’s currently in my signet.

I’ve tried multiple combinations, and though sometimes I can eek out something like 0.2% dps based on which sim setting I use (patchwerk shows a slight dps increase, dungeon slice a slight dps loss), none of them involve removing my lariat.

edit: Of course, part of it is that I’m not replacing my Lariat with another embellishment. Unfortunately, I already used both my sparks on the highest DPS increases I could get, so it’s another 2 weeks before I can even consider replacing the embellishment. This is just another reason why this gearing system just feels really icky sometimes (and let’s not even get into how The Great Vault doesn’t have any catch-up mechanism whatsoever).

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So you didn’t use sparks on embellishments then wonder why you’re trapped with old embellishment.

Working as intended, you made your choice


What do you mean by that exactly, isn’t vault the primary source of high level gear early in the season?

The raid is already open. You can get your Tier gear from it right now. But you’re lazy. So just wait for your welfare Tier gear from the Catalyst. Stop the entitlement.

Then get the 441 rings and socket them too.

It’s working as intended.

Becoz you havent touched much content that drops 441.

I dont know about you. I improved my ilevel by 10 becoz i started at low ilevel. Many low ilevel players has improved more than 15 ilevels already.

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I saw someone who was only 5/9 Heroic who had 4 pieces of 441 Tier.

Raid loot is absurd compared to M+. Absolutely absurd. It’s actually insane that Catalyst is still time-gated.

And you know what’s the insane part? The really insane part? They’re probably going to nerf CRESTS which hurts M+ more instead of looking at just how insanely good raid loot is and how just a small amount of low-end M+ pushes you over the edge in terms of power. Meanwhile, M+ only players are kind of starving for loot drops, with M+ dungeons still only dropping 2 pieces of loot per run, and no way to receive tier from dungeon drops.


“Only” 2 drops per run is double the raid loot drop rate which also have a weekly lockout.

Potential fast tier acquisition is one thing (that goes away relatively early and way before end of season pushing) but raid loot drop rates are awful.

Someone getting 4p by week 2 is insanely lucky or funneled considering with him winning those drops that means 18 other people didn’t win them (assuming a 20 man). With 2 tier tokens dropping for 20 half the classes wouldn’t even see it drop to roll on it much less win.

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Yes the design is intentional. No it won’t be fixed since sockets are random. The trash RNG socket and tertiary stat system essentially broke gearing in that you get more low ilvl superior to better stuff. Also, 2nd stats that are better usually trump higher ilvl.

Of course it’s intended to get you to play more.

You can break your s1 tier. Remember those are just small perks and arent really needed. Besides s2 tier will be obtained soon. I broke mine pretty easily because the gear I got is simply better. The lariat and annulet will eventually be replaced. Cant handicap on em so much

That’s painting with broad strokes, as this is the case for some, but not for others. Survival Hunters get screwed because losing Bestial Barrage (a 20% chance to make Mongoose Bite cost no focus and deal increased damage) by breaking the 4-piece tier set directly affects gameplay.

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A lot of hunters have 4 new tier pieces in the bag but we are still using S1 tier pieces because the S1 (even at 421-424) level , sim higher. This is even more true if your helm has a socket.

I’m 424 I level and I’m beating hunters at 438 ilevel with The new 4 piece. 15 ilevel difference.

We are talking about top hunters who have multiple CE in the belt.

The only reason to use the new 4 piece is the higher stamina which you require for mythic Prog

Everything you’ve written here is a personal choice. You are choosing to min/max. I used to do that, but now, if I see an ilvl increase, I put it on and don’t care any longer. It’s a lot less stressful, but it doesn’t help my bag situation any; they are still full of all the soulbound crap that they’ve loaded on us this expansion!

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HEY THERE! At least you get gear. Every time I run a dungeon I get zero loot. :smiley:
Thank god for time walking tokens and auction house gear.

Yes, it is obnoxious, and bringing back tier sets was a mistake.

When I got my 4pc I swapped like 8 items at once lol

Where was this said?

No. It wasn’t.