The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

My enjoyment of the system has nothing to do with wanting to hurt players. If people are genuinely suffering over them, then I feel for them. I just like the potential for character flavor and feeling of uniqueness by choosing a specific covenant, as opposed to the guy next to me of the same class and spec choosing another. I just don’t think everything needs to be swapped nilly-willy and would like to see some actual tough choices come to the game.


Covenants, as they stand in beta, do not “hurt” players.

Imagine being so angry that hahaha. Sorry. Imagine hahaha. Imagine being so angry that you can’t switch your covenant at the drop of a hat that you think you’re being hurt.



I am liking this post because I love the part where everyone’s opinion matters. Still, I wouldn’t mind if they unlocked covenant abilities because, while it’s not a big deal to me, it’s a big deal to others.

Lore-wise, yes it does not make much sense. It also doesn’t make much sense that we can change which essences are infused into our Hearts of Azeroth, but we can!


Except tying it to power means a significant percentage of players will pick the better covenant for power, rather than what pleases them aesthetically.

except he entirely discredits and insults the opinions of those who might do mythic content or might care about improving their character…

so that’s not really an “everyone” thing. if anything, its the equivalent to “all lives matter”


And that’s their choice to make. Totally cool with that.

I intend to pick for aesthetics, and then try to master their power to the best of my ability.

This guy gets it.

I fully admit when BLM was new I subscribed to ALM. Now that I know more, I realize it really is an awful position to take.

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I don’t like that part :frowning: Mythic raiders matter too, just not more or less than non-Mythic raiders. I have no comment about the all lives matter thing because I’m not talking about that.

Right, and we’re trying to get Blizzard to make it fully aesthetic.


I just personally hope they don’t go that route. I want my character to play fundamentally different from that of another covenant, even if they’re the same class and spec. I won’t get that feeling of uniqueness if they give in to the demands of your side.


Which aint gonna happen because if you heard Ion interview he quite literally said YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE.

Covenants arent merely aesthetic, they have a design purpose, to DESTROY the sameness of min maxers and force them to stick to a build.

If they dont like this, then the game isnt for them, which is why I know covenants will be locked for a long time after launch.

Your way of play, is no longer welcome by the devs THEMSELVES

THat is what you dont understand, what YOU WANT is what the devs want to remove from the game

Sure, and that’s fair, but we’re talking about MMO vs. RPG. And WoW has always been an MMO first. Punishing players for taking the choice they want is not appropriate.

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I suppose I just want to see more of the RPG. To me it’s the same as asking the DM at your D&D table to swap your stats/feats/class levels every time you enter a new encounter, whether it’s combat, diplomacy, stealth, etc. We don’t have to be 100% optimal at everything at all times.

Except we’re going to be because most people are gonna pick the strong one for their class.

RPG mechanics don’t work as well in MMOs. That’s the sad reality.

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Lmao you are so hopeless it is almost sad.

You can’t be optimal at everything, venthyr will be good for boss 2, necrolord for boss 4,5, night fae on m+ for example

You don’t get to be optimal at everything and that is the beauty of the system, no matte what you choose you are forced to be sub optimal for many bosses and content : )

sounds like the game isn’t for you either

Exactly. Every single thread he does this. I could care less how he, or anyone else builds his character (as long as they aren’t the cause of failing at x and y locations).
He is hell bent on flaming and attacking “elitists”. When his definition of elitist is clearly someone who follows a build or guide.


Pointing out how the unpruning isn’t real for many specs which get useless spells is a pretty tryhard attempt to think such criticism is anything relating to covenants.

If anything since Ion has been talking about covenants and with how he destroyed preach by pointing out no 3 hunters should ever be the same, the game is absolutely made for me : 3

Though regarding the unpruning boomies are getting so many abilities baseline which is a great surprise uwu