The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

Probably because you support the majority opinion, at least from what I’ve seen. Which is fine, but I’ve been attacked pretty regularly in these.


Anyone supporting the minority opinion will get flamed, that’s just how GD works. As I said, I was against removing ML and I got called so many vile things it was unreal.

The proof is his red background right?

Eh, I have an opinion on ML that isn’t yours and I got trashed just as much. It’s a hot button issue.

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It depends what your opinion was. If it’s anything other than, “it’s toxic and raiders use it to hoard loot” you got attacked.

at any rate, the forums were nowhere near as hostile as they became since ralph started spamming these threads. you can almost pinpoint the turning point.

the words he uses only serve to start arguments and flame wars and this is the result.

nobody on the mythic side is making similar threads. nobody is jamming elitism down anybodies throats in their own topics. his posts are the catalyst and it’s actually amazing they aren’t removed, especially ones like this that are literally only going to start a mythic vs casual argument

and not to mention his post history on his alts is just as toxic as the people he is spamming these threads about and he was just as critical of shadowlands as we are


Except some “literally who?” British youtuber that had a rude interview with Ion, thus leading to everyone whining about covenants.

I have been in guilds/groups that hoarded loot and abused the system though, and pre-PL every listing on the group finder was “XXX item reserved”. So I do tend to prefer PL to ML. I’m not going to trash those who did like ML though. I’m sure it worked out for some. I just had lots of bad experiences with it personally.

Outside of the million threads of them demanding blizzard make covenants into talents and to pander to wannabe elitists even at the expense of everyone else while Ion thankfully said the game is for a broader audience : )

Preach is very well known. And covenants as they are suck.


Imagine blaming elitists when everyone from casuals to the most hardcore want covenants to be a cosmetic choice.


Gonna need some proofs.

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Ah yes back to the delusion that no one supports locked covenants.

My thread exists specifically or delusional people like you who pretend the majority agrees with you, we don’t

it’s almost like people can have thoughts and concerns about covenants and not have to be a mythic raider.

you just ignore the people that aren’t and keep spamming threads like this.


Didn’t you make this exact same thread a few days ago?


You do realize what I said was that it isn’t just one type of player that wants covenants to be cosmetic right? Not that everyone wants it to be that way. There are plenty of people who want to hurt players by making it a power choice.

Plenty of people support it. They just have bad arguments and support intentionally hurting players and removing choices.

Basically this. At this point everyone on GD and their mothers knows Ralph’s opinions on this topic. I don’t even need to read his OP to know what it says.

He’s just trying to start a fight, again, between hardcore players and casuals. And he routinely sets the stage of how it’s just toxic elitist who are against him, while he simultaneously demonstrates a staggering amount of toxic elitism.

Hell in an earlier thread he started attacking my alts prog to discredit my arguments.

As such, sorry but the flags are fair.


Pretty sure all of the high end players and Mythic Raiders do understand that there are more casual players and their opinion matters too, in fact the design decision are usually made to appeal to the majority rather than the top 1%.

The arguments those “elitist” you call for not locking player power behind covenants is that it affects EVERYONE, no one is saying “oh casual players doesn’t matter so change it”, in reality the most affected by this are the middle-tier players, those who are invested enough to care but not the top 1% who will just level multiple of every class.

What I see very often is actually the opposite thing, the argument that the 1% doesn’t matter so what they want doesn’t matter.


no, your threads exist because you crave attention and an easy way to do it is to start angry forum posts that are going to result in arguing.

congratulations, you figured out saying dumb things on the internet nets responses.