Shadowlands won’t actually "UNPRUNE"

But it will be marketed this way, they even called Holinka of all people “the unprunner”.
Blizzard knows a major reason most people abandoned WoW is because classes are trash, and when classes are trash that is 90% of your gameplay feeling terrible and also completely removes casual pvp as an endgame activity since it is no longer fun.

Shadowlands is clearly nowhere near ready, they clearly rushed 8.3 so they can move to shadowlands yet they only have 10 months to go(Activision is unlikely to let them delay to 2021).

Classes will once again get a couple of rental abilities along with a few rental passives aka soulbinds, their “unprunning” shown in blizzcon showed only a few worthless abilities that are not even part of the rotation, they arent some ultra strong cooldown like rewind time, cold snap for fire for double dragon’s breath or symboisis etc, instead they are silly class flavour abilities with very niche use that are rarely used.

In other words they will unprune a few generic abilities so the people who were too dumb to realize why pruning was bad but simply jumped on the hate bandwagon because everyone said it was bad will think “they listened”. People will celebrate some irrelevant niche skills coming back while in reality that will not affect core rotations or pvp in any meaningful way. That is no unpruning

And no, I dont care about the blizzard fanboys or bad players who are gonna defend the current class design, I am playing Swtor, a game with vastly superior classes and therefore pvp on par to MoP.

People who enjoy skilled pvp want the unprunning, because in swtor thanks a ton of utility(of course out of the GCD), multiple life saving defensive cooldowns as well as strong DPS cooldowns if you know your class you can easily survive and beat multiple average people, because skill is what matters in pvp, unlike WoW where gear matters more than skill.

Edit: In b4 “But you cant judge it until it is out”, just like they said you cant judge BfA until it is out, until the first month, until 8.1, until 8.2, until the last patch of the expansion.
Fact is, people pointed out BfA was trash as early as the beta and the issues were BLATANT within the first week, but fanboys couldnt handle it so they desperately tried to defend a bad game.


Tbf, if they’re going off of feedback from classic on this “unprunning”, they had 1 and 2 button rotations. Practically all abilities weren’t part of the rotation.


This is a highly subjective statement, I personally feel that the classes I play are perfectly fine as is.


Does someone give you homework assignments to come up with long winded threads like this?


Yeah, I am sure that is why the population is a shred of its former self : )


what are they going to unprune in demon hunters tho. All we lost are inner demon and that aoe where two blades spin on ground

Because we need a comparison to have the population numbers in context.

Do you have population numbers of other games (over time) that have been around 15 years?

Every MMO I can think of seems to be doing a ton worse.


Chaos bolt, of course.

Maybe it will maybe it won’t. Wait and see instead of judge and make assumptions.

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Man, I sometimes wish you could mute people on the forums.

I swear you just make multiple threads a day being as negative and pessimistic as possible.


Imo any population changes are probably a result of unpopular design decisions like Pathfinder and Titanforging more than class design, unless you play something like enhance Shaman, I hear that one has been really bad for a long time, but I don’t play Shaman at all so I have no idea.

It won’t be unprunning for me until they restore everything they’ve destroyed such as single minded fury, combat, warlock metamorphosis, 2h frost and so much more.


We are getting Shattering Throw back (which #1 use was in pvp) so Holinka the Unpruner gets my stamp of approval.


I’m strongly against more buttons for the sake of more buttons, so I hope that the dev team doesn’t take GD/Reddit whining as indicative of the player base as a whole.


Honestly if they simply restored MoP or hell, even WoD classes the game would improve considerably instantly.


By “unpruning” they are talking about restoring abilities that use to be class wide but were moved into a spec to enhance the spec fantasy over the class. For example they removed blind as a rogue class skill and gave it to the sub talent tree. I doubt they are going to go back and restore abilities they removed from the class entirely.

Personally, I think you should just go ahead and give up on WoW Ralph. I know you are going back to SWToR (which is still a good game) and you are clearly not enjoying your time here and you have already said you are not renewing your subscription. So why continue at all? Just go have fun in SWToR and check back before Shadowlands and see if things have changed to better fit your playstyle.

At this point, these daily rants won’t change anything…


MoP classes are pretty much exactly what I’m talking about.


This is what Covenant abilities essentially are, borrowed abilities unique to the expansion. So if people aren’t liking essences or Azerite gear… they probably won’t like Covenants. Essences are here to stay they’re just changing names.

Warriors are getting shattering throw back–which counters bubble/ice block in pvp.

That is an example of a fairly significant ability returning.


IMO a better choice would be not just to unprune, but to extend talent trees. From a balance perspective I realize this is difficult, re-balancing each class, when you can just balance each borrowed ability instead like they’ve been doing.

The PvP talent tree is a great example; they could be made into ordinary talents without much effort by extending the tree a few rows and baking them in.