The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

Let me guess, you are the type that thinks the word cis is a slur while it accurate exists to describe non trans individuals?

Sorry the words I use explain a very specific kind of behavior whenever you like it or not.

If you’re hurt by Ralph’s words maybe it says more about you than Ralph.


replace all the “tryhards” and “elitists” with “casuals” and “lfr heroes”

does this thread have a place here?

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If I made a post like Ralphs, but instead of tryahard, elitist, waanbe tryhard elitists, I typed, noob, filthy casual etc, baddie etc it would be flagged also.


Well it is as dumb as those threads, and it is GD, but I still think the answer is no.

And yet, pretending that the community is something it’s not won’t fix things, it’ll just make everyone miserable.

Also, FWIW, I don’t believe that people caring about performance and experience is automatically toxic. It’s just that WoW has a wide range of difficulties in various forms of content, and when you get above the queued stuff, that sort of thing starts to actually matter, as opposed to FFXIV where you can get 2nd BiS gear by spamming entry level dungeons.

The community is the result of the game’s design over the course of 15 years. I’d rather they design a game that works for the players they have than hope to cultivate a new community over the NEXT 15 years. That’s being a bit too optimistic IMO.

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There have been many threads like that. They aren’t flagged immediately and generally exist for hundreds of replies.

Got a link to one?

I can link you 15 of Ralph’s.

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They aren’t all made by the exact same person. :upside_down_face:


The guy thinks anyone on the left are communist, so that should tell you enough.

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In just about every thread I’ve posted in support of a system, I get attacked for not being a mythic raider or 20+ key runner. Even though my preferred content isn’t actually that far below those. I’d like to be allowed to have a voice too.


This was a good laugh tank you.

I dont think anyone is pretending the wow community isnt extremely toxic and wannabe elitist tryhard, my point is you never pander to such people because it only makes the game worse long term.

Meanwhile if we frustrate them enough and make them unable to be optimal at everything and lock them in builds, we might force them to ragequit the game which will improve the community.

And the tryhards that will leave because they cant be good at everything anymore is a group of people whose removal will improve the community and blizzard clearly is pushing towards that direction.

Frustrate them enough till they leave.


Mythic raiders get attacked all the time for being elitist when they’re not. It’s not unique to those who don’t raid Mythic.

I remember how vile GD was to anyone against the removal of ML.

I haven’t been attacked for not being one of those. Yet. :grinning:

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this is a GD thing, as you can tell by the OP. it isnt a mythic vs casual thing

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No problem! Just cross-thread nonsense.

yeah and the fact that they are still up and restored by mods should give you a clue

Doesn’t come from me. I appreciate the genuinely good mythic raiders who’ve helped the community with guides, videos and such. I’ll speak out against the elitist-acting ones of course, but that has nothing to do with being a mythic raider, just a jerk.

Blizzard doesn’t really delete threads that often. You haven’t fully broken the rules.