The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

do you play every aspect of this mmoRPG? M+,Raiding, Mythic Raiding, PvP, Rated PvP, RP, Pet battles etc?

what does playing everything in the game have to do with anything? lol


If you arent interested in character building and instead choose optimal for each situation it is clear you have 0 interest in RPG aspects of an mmorpg

Game is an RPG, it has rpg elements, if you arent interested in playing the game and building a character and trying out different fun builds that fit YOU instead of each boss fight, you arent playing it right and it seems the devs noticed that and now made it impossible thanks to locked covenants.

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I mean you were flaming people for not doing Rp in a mmoRPG right? or did I read that entirely wrong?


It does, because of the nature of pug content in this game. This isn’t a change that will change that mentality, it’s a change that will result in constant complaints throughout the entire expansion because of the way it will degrade the experience of people participating in more than 1 form of content per character.

Like I said, as a concept, there’s nothing wrong with it.

But it doesn’t work for the game WoW has become.

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What’s ironic is, if Blizzard implemented something that allowed for easier switching of abilities from the very beginning that was fair and balanced for all styles of play, no one would even have thought of the idea or asked Blizzard to “please lock power abilities behind covenants” … literally no one.

But please note, no one is saying it should easier to switch covenants. Almost everyone is fine with having to select a covenant and it even being hard to switch between them for RP reasons … even Preach and other so called “elitists”. The issue is and always has been power balance and how incapable Blizzard is at getting balance right … and if you need evidence of that, you only need to look at every patch in every expansion … there has literally always been huge power imbalances between highest and lowest performers when all skill and item level being equal because of poor balance.

And here is the thing, whether casual or mythic world first, NO ONE should want abilities to be so out of balance that by selecting one covenant you are now 10-20 percent (or higher) weaker than if you had selected another one.


Yeah, you read that wrong.

this thread would make sense if it were only mythic raiders being concerned about covenants

but it isn’t. and you’re a clown.


ralph I’m interested in other aspects of the game not Rp, just like you are interested in rpg elements of the game and not other aspects. Is this so hard to understand? or do I have play the game the same way you do?

My apologies, too much coffee.


Ion specifically mentioned the stat aspect of RP in rpgs, it isnt about erping in goldshire only, you also rp by building a character something that min maxers never cared about because the optimal choice is always one.

Too bad you cant have the optimal choice anymore with covenant and actually might need to learn to play the game the right way

Well it is time to adapt them because the game should not be build around a TOXIC WANNABE ELITIST COMMUNITY.

Do you realize what a terrible game that would make, that community might have power but thankfully the devs are ignoring them because you never build a game around toxic elitists.

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man I’m so late on the ralph thread. I’m guessing he got decline again

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Oh but we will. #pulltheripcord

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Good luck with that, I know for a fact covenants will be locked at launch and a long time after :3


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Choosing the best loadout is character building though.

Why do people flag Ralph’s posts? He’s obviously effortposting every single one of his opinions rather than trolling.

In any case, I agree that covenants should stay as they are. Because races and racials no longer matter, covenants are basically a new “you’re kinda locked in to this thing for a minor ability” deal. Nothing wrong with that.


you think this is appropriate and not trolling/harassment/etc?


I fail to see your point.

he’s trolling.