The game is too Elf-Centric

I do have quite a few. Sadly the game lack alot of Racial armor other than just Heritage. If we have racial type of weapons and armor it would be much nicer.

I want multiples taurens armors and weapons we have like none

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Please no Tauren-centric expansions while Danuser is still on the writing team.

I don’t want Mulgore to burn, Anshe to suck, or the Earthmother to secretly turn out to be a dreadlord all along.


In fairness elves are like a billion years old so it makes sense that the stories would revolve around them in regards to dragons, who are also really friggin old.

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So since all elves are mutated trolls, we need full troll representation

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That occurred to me after I typed my response. Wonder why they don’t have a larger presence in the history.

Damn you found out the lore already no more secret for the release

Well if you know the lore a bit. There used to be an NE clans of dragon rider on bboodmist island. Now there is only the ghost of their leader there. But if you played dreanei you can see it ^^

Cause Azshara took over the world and broke it. All the continent used to be together but they broke with the well of eternity (Aka the maelstorm)

Oh. Thank you. Someday I will sit down and read the old books.

16,000 years ago Zandalar spread out and differentiated Zanda trolls into the subgroups during the Troll-Aquir war. So at this time there were no Dark Trolls and no Nelves. The aspects were already a thing at this point, of course. I don’t think we ever got a date on when the Galakrond incident occurred.

11,000 years ago Yaungol were camped at the Well of Eternity studying Druidism under Cenarious (Xarantaur, etc) while it slowly turned them into modern Tauren.

10,000 years ago the Night Elf Empire reached it’s peak and summoned Sargeras.

So IMO elves as a species are only about 11,000 years old at the very eldest, because they mutated from Dark Trolls by also camping at the well of eternity, implying the Tauren had moved on by then. In the event that we assume they turned into Nelfs and then left, or shared the well of eternity with the tauren, then they are at the very oldest 16,000 (minus the time needed for Zandalari to evolve into Dark Trolls, which then evolved into Nelfs… so that makes me think the 11,000 to be more realistic)

There’s some wiggle room of course, and everything is retconnable.
It’s not like the actual lore books are in any way cannon.


More orc stuff please.

Also, the horde needs a Chad warrior Warchief.

As a history buff I love things like this, even if it is history of a fictional world and fictional beings.

I would agree but I’d say I’ve definitely got my fill as a Draenei - lots of population in Outland and WoD. It’s ironic that it’s Azeroth herself which doesn’t have that many of us.

Wouldn’t give it up for the world, love both LFD and the regular. :heart_eyes:

I disagree on the game being too Elf centric.

A lot of the ancient Azeroth Lore transcended to Pantheons and Mythology. Most the Elven saga ended up with Legion when Azeroth history and time line of events was finally completed. Most of it includes Troll as we seen with Zandalar, Vrykul who were more barbaric tribes, Taurens who participated and had roles with dragons.

Elves were the dominant Empire at the time and are in a way comparable to ancient Rome with ruins left and right and remains.

Having an ancient race is nothing but a way to wrap up an evolving world. It’s the same with our real World, people were fanatics over discovery of Greeks, Egypt, Babylon and ancient China. Now most people are fixated upon original of space and universe and trying to explain unreachable phenomenons.


agreed. too many elves, not enough dwarves… and orcs… and pandas… and gnomes… and goblins- basically, any non-elf race really.


Demon Hunters being Elf only, when Draenei and Orcs were right there, was a creative travesty.

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They tried to hunt and eat Humans (along with several other sentient humanoid races), warred with TWO of their descendants (Night Elves and High Elves), and widely practice cannibalism and all the tribes hate each other…

I don’t see how the game is elf-centric when the narrative has focused on mainly humans, orcs, and draenei for the last two decades. The only elven races, playable or otherwise, to constantly get any spotlight are night elves and blood elves, the former getting notable focus across the last three expansions (Broken Isles lore, burning of Teldrassil, Tyrande becoming the Night Warrior and the subsequent fallout). The others:

  • High elves - Introduced as Alliance units in the RTS games but the ones that didn’t join the Horde exist almost entirely to serve as fodder NPCs and foils to the blood elves; the only notable non-Windrunner high elf to be introduced in recent years was Ravandwyr from the mage Order Hall
  • San’layn - Barely developed ever since they were introduced in WotLK, appeared for a few quests in the Alliance 8.0 campaign; sparking some minor speculation that they would join the Horde as the undead allied race which ultimately went nowhere
  • Nightborne - Were the focus of their own zone and raid in Legion, but fell to the wayside after that and joined the Horde without much fanfare
  • Void elves - Basically post-Void Alleria as an entire subrace of Thalassian elves, but have gotten next to no development or chances to really shine since their introduction

Just because three of the ten most popular races are elves doesn’t mean that Blizzard writers see them in the same light as the people who play them.

[long, drawn-out groan]


Coming from an Orc, that’s hilarious.