The game before they had seasons

I hear ya. I almost quit soon into joining this game, because the guild I joined was full of a-holes that forced me to be tank, forced me to jump through hoops, used DKP, and convinced me they could actually blacklist me if I didn’t do as they said. I don’t have fond memories of raiding in BC…or BC in general lol

Luckily I ran into people in a dungeon early Wotlk that explained my guild was a joke and the people running it couldn’t do anything if I quit. It was funny when they tried and trade chat tore them apart.


Except it wasn’t the same. Some items were great for multiple tiers(toep, nelths, zhc etc), and it could take the whole tier to fully gear up with the new ilvl gear.

Now days you can come into a new tier having not played at all and very quickly have your gear up to nearly the same level as someone playing all expansion.

it’s just all designed for Gen Y who want instant gratification and also don’t want to play an MMORPG.


Yeah, definitely wasn’t the same. When Ulduar released, if someone wanted that gear they had to go through heroics, then Naxx to get at it. There was a progression that season resets cuts out.


We had a modified DKP system to try and compromise between our vets and newbros.

It was originally need before greed until a new guy got some item from Kara on his first go through with us and quit, he won it over a guy who had been with us since vanilla and kept losing to new people who would quit. That guy finally got frustrated with the game and server transfered (don’t blame him we were still doing kara when the rest of the game had moved on beyond our poop server)

It was just a mess trying to manage all that, stressful and looking back at it totally not worth it.


Always been like this. Only difference now is that it has a name to it.

WoW’s progression is designed around making everything you did previously obsolete. It’s leveraged as a mechanism to get players invested in new content (though ideally new content would be interesting enough to do on its own).

WoW constantly feels smaller and smaller every time something new launches. It’s kind of a sad design philosophy.


So wait.

We don’t like seasons because alts can get caught up too quickly?

That seems to be the main complaint here.


We’ve always had seasons except they used to be called Tiers since the beginning of this game. Not sure what game you were playing, but it wasn’t this one.

Ah yea otherwise people would not come back lol


and thats why so many players never did higher raid tiers once we got lfr it was far easier to catch up and once m+ get introduced it was even easier but we did always had welfare epics aka pvp gear back then before they changed to them only scale in pvp that would let you skip a decent amount of content and you could just buy last pvp seasons gear with honor you would lack hit and spirit but it was enough to raid

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Not really, back in vanilla and even tbc to an extent there was reasons to run old content. Wasn’t until wrath that the whole season/reset/catchup thing really hit in full


This has been a thing since BC, though. Once a new tier came out, your gear was useless again.

And who remembers getting BiS gear in Vanilla raids, then replacing it in the first 30 seconds from a green drop in Hellfire? Happened to me. That was our first taste of “everything you earned gets replaced.”


You didn’t replace naxx gear that early, more like nether storm or even 70 dungeons


Was Naxx a higher gear score than ZG and AQ?

or buy last seasons pvp get then do trial of crusader for the set and move on not to mention all the badge gear the badge system was with us from tbc to god only knows when

Naxx was the highest ilvl in vanilla


wait I forget was crusader before or after ulduar

That’s the only raid I never ran. But talking to a couple guildies just now, they replaced all of their Naxx gear at 63 or 65. They said they were in Terokkar.

So us AQ and ZG folks replaced it in Hellfire and the rest not long after that.

I also remember the outrage over how a random green drop in the first zone was replacing raid gear and Blizz said they’d try not to do that ever again.

But the point still stands: gear has been replaced since BC.

Leveling process is also different than max level, there was stil a lot of reason to run old content in tbc, wrath was far more seasonal

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ok, boomer

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