Is chromie’s area going to be a sanctuary too? I can see many cringy people going to hard camp that spot, because they’re too bitter about this item.
is there a way to make it so it can collect each buff seperatly like get dmt store the buffs in the box go to the island get heart buff store it in the same box then get ony/rend store both into the same orginal box then get song flower and store it in the box then come raid time break the box to gain all the stored buffs
this would give players even more free time since all they got to do is get the buffs at some point and not feel rushed to try and get the buffs at the same time and waste time between locations until u can store up the buffs
this would also stop alot of griefing
This is why I said these changes progress, meaning there will be more. Will there be a store in tbc classic because blizz is more willing to commit more changes. Let’s pray not for the above at least. My biggest concern besides that is it not effecting the dynamic of PvP servers. Pesu asked important questions, will this have a cast time, and be usable in combat? It should have a cast time and not usable in combat at the very least on PvP servers. Edit. seems there is a cast time, this is good.
literally requires you to stop playing
could just as well have been
literally requires you to switch to an alt from time to time
But whatever. I know this second chance isn’t going to last forever, just going to enjoy it while I can and pretend I don’t know any better.
That is incorrect, you are only prohibited from benefitting from buffs that are already saved in the item. For example, get ZG Heart buff, store it, go to SW/Org, release the Heart buff, log off for 1 hour, log in to get Rallying Cry, and then use another Chronoboon to store both of those buffs.
While you are under the effects of the Chronoboon Displacer, you can’t benefit from any of the world buffs that it’s holding for you.
Additionally, I was inquiring about the cooldown of the item as it also states that
…when you release the buffs from the Chronoboon Displacer, it puts the item on a 1 hour cooldown…
And my question was about if the cooldown on the item counts down while offline since if you were to use the item to release buffs, it would assumedly put the other ones in your bags on cooldown as well. If it does not do this then nevermind, but if it does, then the cooldown counting down while offline is very relevant
Hey Pazorax, would it be possible to remove ALL buffs when entering a raid in TBC?
There are still buffs like (Whipped Frenzy) 30% Attack Speed for 5 minutes from enslaving Maiden of Pain in Hellfire Peninsula, and (Holy Fury) a 295 spell power buff for 30 minutes from mind controlling Bloodwarder Menders in Botanica.
Who’s gonna drop the buffs, though?
This is ridiculous.
You’re acting like this is some sort of slippery slope. People have been complaining about world buffs since day one. It’s taken them almost 2 years to do anything about it. There’s nothing stopping you from griefing world buffs under this new system. You’re apparently on rattlegore, you should know about the priests and shamans that die in SW Trade District just waiting to res and dispell. Or the rogues in Felwood waiting for you to try and get songflower. This doesn’t change that at all, seeing as you can only get world buffs if this item is not active. Still plenty of time to gank people in felwood or orgrimmar or wherever your heart desires.
It certainly has the potential to be a slippery slope. I don’t think people being able to spend more time on their main is a bad thing.
This is a pretty cool thing, but you know what would be a whole lot simpler and actually stand up better over time? Just put in an NPC in one or each of the major cities that, when talked to, will give an individual player the main world buffs (ony, dmt, zg) with a same cd built in thing after talking to them.
You could even make it a thing where the NPC can only put a particular buff on you if you have already handed in/done the required content (i.e. completed a DMT run or turned in a heart/head before).
Its already getting harder and harder to get some of these buffs, so just make the big quality of life shift, its more fun that way!
Could you just allow NPCs to give an item that grants you buff? This still leaves some of the problems that buffs create. Mainly rez purgers in cities.
Example: I walk up to Saurfang after someone turns in the head Dialog option I would like you to grant me essence of the Dragonslayer.
You shouldn’t stop PvP on a PvP server. This is why there are PvE servers.
Finally, a good change.
Another thought, say youre on a boss fight 1hour into your buffs… the CD for the displace has reset as its a 1 hour CD, raid lead calls out you use your displacers to save the remaining time on them. Can you please clarify what would be stopping people from saving buffs on a fight they know they are going to lose, lets say 4 healers just died and everyone else is about to aswell. Please clarify if it will not be usable while in a raid, or while in combat.
I disagree. I like PVP. I don’t like when people camp their dead bodies all over the world with no intent to PVP just rez/purge/die.
I think most people on PVP servers agree with this sentiment, since they are making some changes on how World Buffs operate I am offering a solution that I think would make the game better.
I understand you don’t like it, but it’s still PvP. We shouldn’t limit certain parts of PvP because certain people don’t like it.
based on what? You chose a pvp server and should have to live with all the consequences. See this is why we can never have nice things. Because you want it one way, but its the other way.
Only picking out the raisins and not wanting to deal with the stuff you dislike. Go PvE then.
Wether you enjoy the purge/dispel meta or not does not matter. Its part of the game and it gives the game spice, since some people enjoy doing that very much. The wbuffs being so volatile to get is also part of what makes the game interesting, wether you like to admit it or not. Otherwise the game is stale.
Edit: wrong reply, was @Vol
Amazingly you are still allowed to kill people on pvp servers, so no this doesn’t stop pvping. Try again.