The frustration that Blizzard has been causing the community

Is that what Shill means to kids now a days? Someone with proof and data to back up their posts? I guess I’m a Shill then.

What are you even talking about LMAO

Yes, yes you are. You’re defending Blizzard’s god-awful communication and asking me to prove what has been plainly obvious to everyone playing this game for years.

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I’m talking about the fact that I can pull up WoW beta to show why delays are happening while all you can do is hide behind the excuse of “Everyone knows Blizzard is bad hurr durr” with not even a single piece of evidence.

Yeah, I’m sure Blizzard will see how you are interacting with others on the forums and they will surely be excited to communicate with you.

Since you have nothing left but personal attacks and fallacies, this conversation is over.

Do you honestly think any of your generic answers are acceptable?

What does that have to do with them communicating poorly or not at all? And that’s not data.

If you haven’t seen any evidence that Blizz communicates poorly or not at all, you have simply not been looking. You’re a shill, plain and simple.

Oh, and I did provide a concrete example of terrible communication. But there’s no point trying to convince a level 10 sock puppet that exists to troll the forums of anything.

It is data, everything is tied to launch and when launch has to be delayed due to work that needs to do be then that answers your question about why they’re silent.

It’s because they’re busy and working.

How is concrete when you didn’t link a single blue post to back up your claims like how I can link the beta to back up mine about the delays?

Jesus Christ, do I need to hold your hand, too?

I don’t think you know what data means.

Yes it’s clear you act on emotions and not logic, out of anyone else you’re who I need to see proof from the most.

Send blue posts or your narrative on Blizzard’s lack of communication is false.

Here you go little buddy.

Their communication was hilariously bad here. “Please be reminded that next week we are making changes that you had no idea were happening before this post just now”

I am not at my PC but I will research more into it when I am free, I am willing to bet 5 minutes if me reading that and I will already find where you are wrong or misunderstood something.

It’s just silly that something as mundane as an XP buff ends up being the last straw while realm population mismanagement has been left to fester for literal years.

Even provided proof, you insist that their communication must not be bad, it’s all the players’ fault for misunderstanding. The shilling is ridiculous. They said they’d be doing partial nerfs then “reminded” us the week before that they were nerfing everything in both raids to its “final state.” I’m done indulging you, sock puppet. Back to ignore with you.

is so you dont cancel your sub because you have a clear date for the content you want, and instead just keep resubbing to not miss out. Thats it, its the only reason they reveal launches and dates so ‘late’.

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Thats a fair statement. Allowing servers to grow beyond the 3500-5000 number was a huge mistake.

Planning vacation around video game launches means you’re long overdue for a vacation from video games IMO…

I dunno, I think more often than not ‘last straws’ are typically issues that are rather mundane in comparison to the larger issues fueling the dissatisfaction. Given how many things have been bungled by Blizz lately I think alot of players have a pretty short fuse currently.

Not lately. Going on about 8 years. Since they can’t deliver a good MMO all the way through an expansions lifecycle, I only play for a month or two at a time.

I’m only here because I really wanted to play wrath. Now that it’s looming closer, my enthusiasm has dropped. The whole landscape of classic is not what I was expecting in any way when they announced it.

Yes, Blizzards communication is terrible, and yes practically every player knows it because it’s been terrible for a while. My guildies even talk about it all the time. I don’t think the XP buff thing is the worst for this at all, but overall the communication is typically very bad or sporatic.

It was interesting coming into this thread to see it was a bunch of back and forth with trolls. Gdkp and whatever alt he posted on in the past (lfd? who knows before that) I rate 2/10 with the 1 extra point only because he’s gotten responses. Still, he’ll get a vacation for the trolling soon enough. It is very obvious. Bloomsday is much better at concern trolling/shilling although staying on the same char makes him known but hey there’s something to respect about posting on an known troll char and still getting responses from (new) people while avoiding troll suspensions. Not that any trolling is actually good, IMO it degrades the quality of the forums, but that’s my ratings anyway.


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