The Four Curses

Has anybody figured out if applying the curses increases the drop chances of the other loot filled pumpkin drops on subsequent kills for the day?

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It would take a lot of data to prove or disprove any theory. I suspect only the people with access to the big data-scrapping-addons would be able to answer this.

There are four…

The wording of the Blue post would imply that the bonus from first kill of the day + the wicker curses are independent buffs.

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I have everything but Arfus so I’ve been doing all four curses in hopes it does increase his drop chance.


Arfus shouldn’t have such a low drop rate. D4 season 2 dropped a few days ago, but instead of playing that, I’m running a million alts through the HH fight every day.


I have expanded to multiple curses, beyond the four letter ones

Oh, oops, we’re talking about something different.


I know them. I know them well. In 3 languages actually

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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subjectively… no it doesn’t seem to have improved my chances. All i’m getting is candy and masks.


Quel’dorei, Orcish and Undead?

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Yes…yes and Redneckbeardian. It’s rarely heard and even more misunderstood

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Buffed when under the effects of eluneshine?


I’ve gotten more loot with all 4 curses. Up until today, nothing I needed, and most of what I got was…well, nothing really. Some tricky treats and a mask or whatever. But I’ve gotten random stuff like Squashlings and the sword. Even got the sword on 2 characters back to back. But I did get Arfus with my first kill of the day boost today, along with the 4 curses. Granted, that took at least 24-30 kills or so. And only 4 of those were with the first kill of the day chance applied, but I’ve been running 7-8 alts per day and taking all 4 curses. So I THINK it applies to all drops within the loot pool. It’s just that those drops are also rare. I obviously don’t have any hard data to back this up though. I’m only theorizing.

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It does not, according to the blue post.

They’re independent, but still only first kill of the day.

Oh. So basically, a chance is a chance, but after the first kill it is mostly a wasted effort. Unless I’m misunderstanding it.

Pretty much. And for me, even the first chance is a waste. lol

Unfortunate. They really need to develop a better system.


Done all 4 curses everyday so far now and only got a few rings and the key. Had gotten the mount I think a few years ago, but still hunting the plate helmet and pet this year. No luck yet.

It’s funny you should mention this. Recently I’ve been watching a lot of rage gamers compilation videos on YouTube. Lots of curse words and smashed equipment. :joy: