The forums

If you spent a lot of time reading all the posts here so far today what is your true opinion of this place I’m just curious.


That Vulpera totems are smol~

Also that folks are addicted to outrage.


Is that innuendo? uwu

My thoughts? People will be be people. It feels like a lot of things being focused on are so trivial and meaningless but I get swept away in the madness and engage so…

Grumbles loves cookies


idk fun to watch people rage over the internet.

/popcorn all day baby

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


That possibly 5 people with their 30+ alts each account are saying the same thing why they hate Dragonflight/Shadowlands


Excuse me…the Dutch

I have 0 forum alts, but I still think dragon flight is looking pretty bad.

Equal parts

  1. chill people just trying to talk about a video game and
  2. a human centipede of performative outrage

literally how lol

everything from today looks amazing


I did get one good laugh about milk kinks in one post.

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Yet during the Dragonflight reveal announcement I get told that Dragonflight was going to be that absolute worst

What’s weird the same people who told me on that big thread I made months back, that it was going to be the worst, are the same people who are praising Dragonflight

You do know that a Blue dismissed this as fake news, right? lol

Perhaps everything today looks amazing if you were already excited about Drakthyr and Evokers…

But for someone like me who was already disappointed, nothing has changed.

If anything the released/datamined talent trees have only made things worse.

Some ppl are addicted to starting drama is what I’ve learned


the average age on forums is probably around 35

I believe that nobody has changed their mind on anything based on what has been discussed on the forums today.

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My alts would be a dead give away.

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I’m creatively bankrupt.

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