The forums

I actually have 20 accounts each with 50 characters on them.

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Comedy gold


But it’s not my fault that Draenei are perfect.


Even with their low polygon count they’re perfect.

I didn’t read the forums that much today. Instead I watched Asmongold spend like 30 minutes creating his new dragon character.

I was in awe of the customizations!

It’s fun to what people are on about when you’re bored, but don’t post without thought, and certainly don’t expect to change many minds. The ones that are open to it will, the ones that don’t want to won’t. That is my opinion.

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It’s both a good and bad place tbh, some posts are good and then you have the posts that makes me want to eat paint.

THat Clark will defend them no matter what

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“a wretched hive, of …”

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I’ve been out of the house and come back to pure anarchy on GD
WTH calm down ppl.


Good song . THe irony of this video is the actual vocalist for the son Gerry Rafferty had left the band before this video was made.

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A place to have a good time if you don’t take it seriously

Seriously… dont

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I’m just here with the popcorn today.

It’s no different than the majority of the internet :person_shrugging:

People in general are irritated about minor things that are likely to see changes. Talents, druids not being able to use flight form stuff like that.

Unlike the last couple of expansions (with covenants and azerite) I don’t see the community united about much of anything which means DF is shaping up to be pretty good.

If you mean the inclusion changes I’ve put all of that on mute because I have zero interest in being drawn into a debate on that.

It’s predictable, that’s for sure. Like watching a formulaic sitcom.

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Helps when you hardly know anything about it.

Both BFA and Shadowlands had the same sentiments initially, it wasn’t until people really started digging into the endgame systems that the problems started popping up. Not saying Dragontales will be the same, just saying it’s early, give it some time lol.

i see alot of you agree with my opinion tons of alt accounts same person now i just need to figure out who the biggest one is here that uses their alts so i can congratulate them.

There doesn’t seem to be any systems like it to complain about other than talent trees and for the most part those are a draw. For some classes they are a bit better than what we have now and for others they are worse. But even here we have already seen quite a few changes in trees released just a couple of weeks ago.

On the whole though the concept of talent trees themselves seem to be excepted by most people. Even if some of us would like to see some changes like being able to go up diagonally or being able to spend one point to continue on.

I do have to say the zones look amazing, they remind me of WotLK for some reason.

I have three toons I post on depending on how argumentative I feel like being. This is my relaxed stoner cow poster. I finally found the first character I ever made on one of my other accounts and decided to boost them and faction change (still have to wait two weeks as I was laid off over the holiday) so I’ll soon have a second Moofurion. It will be nice to have all the old achievements, reps and recipes for everything up to WoD done.

It seems like everyone is trying to constantly outsnark each other, or trolling for emotional responses. It is a genuinely negative space.