The Forums Are a Cesspool

They might be a cesspool but they are our cesspool!


Not saying they’re good now, but I’d say they’re on par with how they’ve always been.


The titanforging threads were way way more bad.

The covenants ones also kinda up there.

Well I am getting older so I guess my memory is bad.

Loook in the mirror, crybaby. It’s amazing that misanthropes who hate most wow players and want nothing to do with them somehow think they are paragons of socialization.

You opened every one of these threads so you could complain about people you have never met and never will. Because you despise people. That’s your MO.

Do you actually pay your own sub? Just curious.

In any case, Blizzard just made an unrecoverable mistake, and you cheerleaders are intentionally starting fires and fanning the flames. Good job Mr. Misanthrope.



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Wow, hot take.

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People are asking why an army of white knights just converged on the forum in an attempt to do triage on this mess Blizzard made. Of course we know the reason why.


See…I had forgotten that. You’re right, I guess they’ve always been this bad.

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‘People are asking…’ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Dang Zoumz your the highest achievement score I have ever seen posting here on the forums…congrats…that’s a lot of damn work for sure.


The forums have pretty much always sucked in one way or another. It wasn’t until i’d say the transition from legion to bfa where things hit some sort of weird critical mass of LITERALLY EVERYTHING SUCKS. I think in general the internets just more negative these days as the people who rickrolled and caramelldansened have realized they’re strangers to love, and they don’t know the rules.

Just wondering if OP was here for the great debate back when Blizzard wanted too make it where you had to use your real name to post in the forums…what a time that was during that two week period…posts were being made so dang fast you couldn’t keep up to what was going on.

you must have a poor memory, welcome to the internet!


It’s not entitlement to expect a reward you were led to believe you were able to get for 3 months.


Actually I was here for that. That went nuclear for sure.

Of course, that kinda proves a point, when you compare that issue to…histrionics…over…a…cat…mount…


Welcome to the internet friend sit down and grab a cup of tea

Dear OP.
I find it ironic that you wrote a whiny post about people whining. :thinking: :rofl:

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You clearly weren’t here for BFA OP. You think THIS is bad?! Oh you sweet summer child.

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I was against realid at the time but after seeing the extreme stupidery here, like cmon at least make it so if you want to be a knob on these forums you have to buy multiple accs. Aint nothing wrong with having players post on a battletag of their customized choosing so long as its consistent.