"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

Amusingly in Classic the Worgen could even turn a Forsaken into a Worgen.


Tbf, we have no idea where Touch of the Grave came from. We know Will of the Forsaken was added to simulate how Undead mobs were typically immune to the resisted effects, cause having them tagged as undead was considered too OP for vanilla.

I believe the idea is no biting, but blood might work? Could have been Ivar Bloodfangs blood and not Crowleys, we don’t know if Ivar had a ritual i believe.

Ivar is described as still being semi feral, so his bites will still transform someone and far as I know, gilnean worgen can only convert people through their blood.

Cataclysm’s early quests are well known for being done by interns and having many lore inconsistencies. The forsaken stuff had to be rewritten, even.

I’m glad that went the way of the dodo.

I like werewolves and I like the undead. But undead werewolves are a bit much imo. It’s a hat on a hat.

Kinda why I also dislike vampire elves. They already live essentially forever as is. Doesn’t really effect their perspective. Like a 600 year old undead elf is the equivalent of a 60 year old undead human. A bit old but not like uncommon to see that.

I don’t know. Tyrande being one empowered was a change as it was Maiev originally storyboarded as the Night Warrior.

Also, the Night Warrior’s continued lackluster performance has carried on years after Afrasiabi’s departure. That and one of the major night elf bits for Shadowlands was getting rid of the Night Warrior and its “power”.

I think they had a plan for Calia and the Undead Night elves but the poor reception of it on both factions has left them miffed and unsure on how to proceed with it. I don’t think it has gone the way of Neptulon in Vashir or Faralon just yet.


Calia I understand because she is actually kinda tied to some important lore. But I think she and the Undead Night Elves just need to get killed and thrown out, because they don’t appeal to anyone really understanding the lore if either. They could likely do some arc to savlage Calia, but there’s no way to make undead Kaldorei work. Struggling to justify them choosing it required them to commit to a story where, when you really summarize it, the reveal is “Elune is actually just an idiot.” And I don’t think earnestly appeals to anyone lol.


That’s news to me. First I heard of the Night Warrior in-game was from Tarren Gregory pitching the “Terror of Darkshore” cinematic to Afrasiabi.

Whats baffling is the unnelves are actually counter productive to Sylvanas’s plan. She rescues them from the Maw, which would be nice if she wasn’t also the cause of their deaths.

They’re not of particular strategic importance. The Dark Warden I think is the boss for Blue Battle of Darkshore, and also a mini boss in Shadow’s Rising. Where she’s BTFO’d by Baine in the one cool thing he’s done recently that nobody got to see because it was in prose.

And that’s that. The unnelves otherwise do not effect the war in any way, shape or form. There’s no reason for them to exist.


They exist to give the Horde undead NEs in form of sentinels and wardens.


We already have Nelves who wear little else but magical lingerie and have a thing for manlets.

Idk if we really need more pandering.


They don’t have wardens, if Blizzard wants to make the Warden class available, they need to allow the Horde their own counterpart.
The Sentinels are already hinted at being a way to give Alliance Darkrangers. Both the sentinels and wardens were needed to be given to the Horde both of these to happen.

I hate it but I see the logic.

If that were there plan I’d be cool with it I guess but the Dragonoids are the new class. Plus I doubt they’ll ever be a Warden class. Between DH, Hunter and Warrior WTF do they have left to do? Same difference with Necromancers who shouldn’t be playable. Because we’ve Death Knights and Warlocks already.

Personally I’d just have the unnelves hang out and be some reoccurring characters that pop up here and there. I’m really not overly pro undead elf, but sure have them patrol the plague and ghostlands. I imagine they’re so upset because their connection to nature has been suffered. Luckily though not only does the Horde have undead forests, but undead elf forests.

The Dark Warden is cool at looking at least, and I’m not going to pretend an undead fury of knives isn’t conceptually cool to me. Granted you can slap the qualifier undead on to most anything and I think it makes it more interesting. Sofa salesman - not conceptually that interesting. Undead sofa salesman though, well, how does that work? I’m already intrigued.


I think the older lore of Shades of Vengeance and such was more interesting as forces of dead Kaldorei, than making them Forsaken. Embodiments of ancestral vengeance and stuff. Forsaken really shouldn’t get much stuff from Kaldorei: they were originally made to be massive zealots and such. They had to retcon so much in BfA and after to try and justify why nelves would willingly be Forsaken.


My head canon is that Sylvanas saw a significant amount of herself in Delaryn and wanted to make her a protégé, with the undead sentinels being her dark rangers. Also a loyal force to do work for her on Azeroth in order to continue the goal of killing as many people as possible if the temper tantrum outside of Orgrimmar didn’t happen. Blizzard’s reason for doing so is probably just sadism as is always the case when it comes to raising undead.

It was what I had heard but I don’t have a source on it atm. I will have to look.

Found a thread on MMO-Champion about it but can’t find the lore session in question.

If I’m thinking of the correct one, it would have been this one at the time:

But they don’t say Maiev was originally planned as the Night Warrior, unless I missed something while skimming through it again.

Calia Menethil has no concept at all of the Forsaken condition, situation, or culture.

The cockroach vendor is better-equipped to lead and there is no argument that he isn’t


I don’t believe so. Worgen can still pass the curse by having willing converts drink their blood or if they want. Bite the victim. The Worgen added to their numbers on Fenris Isle by providing their blood. Crowley made an offer to the leaders of Hillsbrad and Southshore who survived the genocide.

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I think the problem is that. Basically every other character in the Forsaken was submissive to Sylvannas and without her? They likely aren’t gonna wanna continue an existence that Forsaken acknowledge as a joyless curse, especially since the lore about forsaken being damned to a hellish place got retconned by Danuser, and they can get a decent existence in the afterlife.

Calia is not a good substitution, but Forsaken in current lore have no reason to keep going that doesn’t just make them evil.

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