The Forsaken are too diverse for Calia to lead

In their story they do.



No, they don’t.

They can decide what happens, but they can’t control the morality of it.

They absolutley can. Because the morality of their universe doesn’t have to coincide with reality.



That is not how morality works.

They can decide how other people react to it in their universe, but that doesn’t determine whether or not it’s right or wrong.

That’s how fiction works.



If I read correctly, the moral relativistic angle is supposedly what the new author wants to go with in the upcoming novel, where Teldrassil’s burning may be shocking but not seen quite as morally repugnant as people would take it in modern times.

I don’t particularly like the idea myself, but given that Blizzard is giving the book the go-ahead, I think that’s the stance they approve of it being viewed in-universe.

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Evil and morality in general depends a great deal on perspective. Some things are universally considered evil. But even things that are universally considered evil have exception clauses in many peoples heads.

Killing is considered almost universally evil. Killing for vengeance is considered just by some. Killing in self-defense just the same. But there exists exception clauses for those too, and maybe exception clauses for those exceptions too, and on and on.

Morality is complicated. And debatable.

Mortal men may debate it. That does not mean it’s debatable. It means mortal men are full of themselves.



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Ummmm, Phlynch? We’re… um… We’re mortal men. :neutral_face:

And neither you nor I get to decide what is and isn’t evil.

Right, it’s on our interpretations. But you know who decides what’s moral in the Warcraft Universe? The writers.


No. They don’t. They’re just humans who came up with a neat story. They’re no more fit to be arbiters of right and wrong than we are.

In their universe, they are. Because, again…


Actions are either right or they are wrong. Being a work of fiction does not mean it’s operating under some new set of rules. Morality is universal.

The Warcraft universe is not OUR universe.


The warcraft universe isn’t a universe. It’s a collection of ideas that exist in our universe.

You’re right, it’s a fictional universe. A universe that follows fictional rules. The laws of physics are universal but in the Warcraft Universe people can levitate cities. That’s ok though, right?


We could levitate cities in the real world too. It’s just impractical.

Yeah, because magic doesn’t exist. But you know where magic does exist? The warcraft universe.
