#Edit (3 years later):
This was exactly was I was talking about in regards to flying. Make flying gameplay. I am very happy and excited for this next expansion. 
Good job!
#end edit##################
Am fine with pathfinder as it is… and I realize general forums are not place for new ideas… not really, still… I’d like to outline some things here briefly.
I think, pathfinder would be more palatable if the stages of pathfinder opened up flying… in stages. Imagine:
Perhaps at first, our flying mounts just glide down… so maybe if we get ourselves to a high perch, we could just glide.
After that, a limited uplift gauge with with the spacebar or facing mounts up… that would give one some height but nothing crazy… then again glide.
Implement height ceilings on flying mounts that are lifted in stages as pathfinder is completed.
Do not allow flying mounts to face vertically upwards, lock the angle somewhat such that flying is a bit more natural and allows for barriers to bar fliers.
Let mobs have more anti air stuff… if you really want block fliers, shoot them down.
Just some thoughts. Ok, thanks for reading!
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Nah if you want to glide, just roll a demon hunter.
I don’t think that would be
Implementable but it’s creative.
What if pf 1 had slower speed than ground mounts?
I think the main concern against early flight is how people might use it to skip intended obstacles and mobs.
What I’d like is decreased requirements. I kinda like the idea of having to earn flying and spend some time on the ground, but as is, by the time you unlock flying, there’s not a huge amount left to do and enjoy what you earned.
I’d do something like take 3 main components, treasure, exploration, and quest, and make it so you have to complete one of those, of your choice. Players still have to unlock it, but can choose what they find most enjoyable to do so. And then just have you do 1/3rd of the reps required, also of your choice.
Still gates it, but less harsh and with more player agency.
I remain convinced that people wouldn’t have minded pathfinder as much if it had been achievable before the first major content update. To get flying there was a wait of about a year - until Naz and Mechagon came out.
We’ve come to expect grindy, and people are going to get all their reps up anyway. But doing the reqs for PF1, and then having to find out the Princess was in another castle, was too much.
So, yeah…I don’t think people would even mind slow flying (normal ground speed) to start, and then faster flying later.
Since I was going back to WoD after having started in Legion, I didn’t have to wait to unlock it at all, but I’m still miserable doing so. I feel restricted and like a lot of my freedom was taken and like I’m being force-fed through a predetermined path(finder) to re-earn my freedom and ability to do whatever activity in the area I please.
And I’m afraid that by the time I reach that point, I’m going to be sick of Draenor.
There is already a compromise to flying: pathfinder. If there were to be another compromise then it would be on Blizzard’s behalf and they would release flying sooner instead of waiting a year.
Flying is fine. Developers don’t want to spend the resources making maps that utilize flying as part of the design. I don’t know if it’s laziness or budgetary reasons. Regardless, flying was not a problem until they made it one.
So wait, we’re being forced to compromise on a problem they created and it’s wrong to want a better one for our end?
I’m not trying to be snarky or anything, I just feel like I’m getting mixed messages between your two paragraphs.
These devs are so out of touch it’s ridiculous. BFA was designed with meteics in mind without a single consideration of fun. They continue their war on flying even though the pathfinder announcement at Blizzcon was booed. Their most loyal fans booed the pathfinder announcement. Goes to show you how wildly unpopular it is.
nazmir flashbacks
Not sure about that one. Would make that air goblin almost mandatory.
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Can you explain where you believe the mixed message is and maybe I can elaborate a bit more? I probably worded something that makes sense to me but not others.
Or contribute to your server economy by buying goblin gliders.
For some reason you think this is a business deal or a democracy where you think your opinion means something. They are not changing pathfinder because thats how they want to develop the game. The End.
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Well… it IS a business deal… we either pay monthly payments or we don’t… did you forget?
Things won’t change unless you hit them in the wallet.
Patchfinder is not a compromise. We must let them know as soon a shadowlands alpha opens up.
i’m wondering how shadowlands will go with new players unwilling to do xpacks after mists do to not being able to fly. it’s also why new players don’t do warmode since enemies will literally drop on their heads.
they only keep it to have something to gate your time with but it’s hurting the game because they will never make zones with flying in mind like in BC and WofLK. i mean in wrath they even had loner mounts for people without it.
Thats all they really need to do.
Stop pretending my flying mount goes full on mental retard every expansion and forgets how to fly. This ‘cold’ flight restriction or whatever crap joke they used for northrend…not funny and quite insulting to those of us who have enough processing power to know its an insult to our intelligence.
Allow flight from day one. Put enemy camps with anti aircraft batteries anywhere they dont want me flying yet…duh.
Then I’ll WANT to go work up rep to make friends with the ones shooting me down.
At least that way its not treating me like Im a too mentally incompetent to know that my mount forgetting how to fly is cheap and lazy.
What compromise, it was all one sided.
- an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
WE had no say, it was Ions way or the highway.