The Flask Market is Nearly Dead

All I do is sell flasks. That’s my thing and how I survive in the World of Warcraft. But currently it is all but dead due to the Northrend Adventuring Supply boxes. For some context. Flask of Pure Mojo, sells for 2 gold, the material costs to create 2x it at current price on my realm is 40g.

Sure, some people read this and head “WAAAAAA!”. But this is a change never included in the original game, and is having a major effect on the economy of every single raider. Tanks and Healers wants the mounts, not the flasks, so remove them.

Why can’t the rewards be something like “Increased Rep Gains by 25%” buff for the day or something instead of tradeable items they’ll just throw on the AH / vendor. The heroic rewards should reward the individual player, not effect everyone else…


it will recover

with naxx undertuning not requiring flasks, the market will be dead until Ulduar.

Well I don’t believe that to be true. People want to pad the meters in raids regardless of how easy the actual raid is. Flasks will be used regardless of the raid’s difficulty


It’ll come back when raiding gets going.


I’m using every consumable I can get my hands on no matter the tuning.

Lol there’s your problem. Pure mojo is the most useless flask :rofl: :


give up on alchemy already OP

i brought this issue up in a post over a month ago before wrath launch and nobody took it seriously.
ive been farming herbs since launch (took a week off work like the true degen i am)
and ive made over 20k gold already.

these dummies crafting cards will buy herbs by selling a kidney irl if they could.
herbs and ores is where its at rn.

maybe well see alch pick back up once ulduar releases and people only run the heroic daily and no more heroic world tour

the fact the you get a flask straight up without investing mats is just absurd.


normal people don’t.

It’s worth more right now to sell the herbs. So do that. Eventually the supply will dwindle and force the prices up. Don’t waste gold putting net loss goods on the AH

Lol nobody is raiding and our first raid is beyond easy.

That’s on you tbh

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I’d prefer that reward tbh. That said, if you are an herbalist… just sell the herbs instead of using them.

Are ppl actually using flasks right now? It might be a low demand problem that will solve itself.

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The problem it sounds like to me, hes not an herbalist “material costs to create 2x it at current price on my realm is 40g” . He’s mad because there aren’t enough bots farming herbs for him to get them really cheap and make pots/flasks cheap, and sell them overpriced. just sayin.


All I did was farm old dungeons on my Paladin.


My situation is also dead because of changes made to the game.

Imagine that.

None of the content comes remotely close to requiring flasks.

you’re getting mimiron’s head unflasked, then?

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It’s a good time to hoard them for cheap. Once people stop leveling they will sky rocket mark my words.


Blizzard done screwed up with those things lol.

They were far to generous with there contents especially the tank and healer ones at 80. Ive spammed dungeons from Thursday to Sunday and I got a ridiculous number of flask banked away. talking close to 30 of each.

Thankfully blizzard hotfixed that booboo and the market will stabilise once supply dries up.

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all the money you didnt spend on flasks you can give to your GDKP leader.