The Flagging System

Well personally with the thread in question, I admit it would be tempting to flag it as ‘spam’ as that topic is a deadhorse topic that’s been beaten to death and some, that’s just my opinion. I didn’t flag it myself.

My issue with the flagging system, I’ve said some things on Sunday’s in particular that probably deserved a flag most of the time on Sunday’s I’m just making a joke, but my issue is how you get banned from reaching Trust Level 3 because of flags, I mean in the past, on the old forum, I could just say “this thread isn’t in the appropriate forum” and they would then move the thread to the games or movies forum or whereever, now the issue is I only have the option to flag the thread as spam…

When I would prefer to do, is say, can you please move this thread to a more suitable location, that’s what I would put in my notes when I would report on the old forum. It’s not the people flagging so much that are at fault, it’s more the system itself that’s slightly flawed…