The First Ones

Bumping this one over the other one because it’s longer.

Other thread:

Theory idea:

I think Blizzard is going to write the First Ones as the Ainur of Tolkien-verse, specifically the Valar.


I also think the First Ones generally are going to focus on a handful of Cosmic Powers, but not just one.

I think there are four. I got this idea mostly from The Dread Expanse youtube videos, but a question that has always bothered me is why the Forge of Origination, that basically resets the whole planet, has four keepers dedicated to the Sun (that has elementals protecting it, and Light powers), the Moon (Arcane magic, also moon/stars themed spells), Chaos (with Void beings protecting it, also Death themed spells) and Life (the most normal of all of them, but has some Death themed spells too)?

Inasmuch, and again this is pure speculation on a subject for which we have I think a total of four lines of dialogue to go by, and some “gaps” in current in-game meta knowledge (e.g. who is the Earthmother, what is Elune, who is the Skyfather, etc):

Sun = Light, Chaos, Death = An’she/Belore = Manwe, maybe Irmo
Moon = Light, Life, Order = Elune/Musha = Varda Elentari
Dark = Shadow, Death, Chaos = Some Dude = Melkor/Morgoth Bauglir
Nature = Order, Life, Death = Earthmother = Yavanna Kementari

The Pantheons of each Cosmic Force are going to be lightly retcon’d in being shaped by these First Ones (ie, Amanthul was helped along by the First Ones while still a sleeping World Soul), where each Pantheon of each Cosmic Force is like a micro-Maiar sort of council.