The first nail has been driven for DF

Part of the problem here, and maybe it’s just a me problem (though I can’t be the only one) that when you’re just trying new dungeons, or a couple times, or more, is that the dungeon players run hell bent so fast that instead of being able to read and choose I actually need the fellow players are gone - and rarely does anyone come back for you - that I have no choice but to hit need on everything.

For me, once again this sounds like the SL funnel to get me to play with more than than just random community players. Again. They’re pushing a full on “most toxic community” known to play ‘nice’ together. It won’t work. It didn’t work in Sl’s. I know they try to learn from mistakes, but they still have their battle plan regardless of input. The input that gets listened to is the stuff they already agree.

Them not giving Shaman some sort of “Earth warden” tank spec is a big missed opportunity imo

New expansion? New setting? “The elements are awakening”? Perfect time to add a brand-new 4th tank spec for Shaman

I’m tired of being “forced” to play a Druid in retail if I want a ranged DPS option, how about adding a little more variety to the mix/shaking things up with ranged-capable Shaman tanks? :man_shrugging:

But there never was a community. What they’re trying to bring back is nostalgia from a unique social experience they carry with them. That can’t ever work, because it’s not a real thing.

I refused to group in vanilla. I still refuse to group. I’ve never been alone in playing this way. The game is full of strict soloers and even more socially-available people who simply refuse to raid/pvp because it’s too challenging and they don’t like dying or failing.

If you take all of us out, you aren’t left with as many players as you think, and of the remaining players, the vast majority of them just do LFR anyway and will reach a quit point the moment they hit a wall and their progress slows.

In short, the amount of people they pleased with this change is negligible, and there’s a 0% chance it will help grow the “community” that exists inside WarCraft’s raiding scene, because literally nobody opted out of the community based on loot rules.


I prefer need before greed. Personal loot just felt like crap.

I think both make sense. I’m trying to wait and see on this, but also see why people don’t trust Blizz to not mess it up. Because they love shooting themselves in the foot. They also don’t seem to like options. They want one part of the community punished by what another wants.


And season 4 was testing for putting recolored dungeons in the rotation.

It’s not testing, it’s PR to normalize what they intend to do.

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No it isn’t. Learn to read the whole article.

They were just warning people AHEAD of testing, because otherwise the change would have been discovered out of the blue when raid testing began.

This is the new loot system for DF.

Oh no, what a world, what a world, the end is coming, how elitist and un-inclusive, ect ect.

Loving how the only people whining about this are the people this won’t impact at all. If you aren’t mythic progging, don’t even try to tell me personal loot is better.

I highly dislike the ‘enhanced ilvl’ special drops being on universal pieces like rings and omni stat trinkets. Its just going to create a situation where 15 out of the 20 people want it, and you see one every three weeks. A bitter taste to those who consistently don’t get one.

A much better idea, if they want to make drops from easier bosses more interesting, is keep all drops from a boss the same ilvl, but have one (and only one) drop guaranteed to roll a +7 ilvl ‘stormforged’ bonus. Per boss, per week. That can pull from everything on the loot table. Should make it so going back to clear earlier bosses is still at least somewhat valuable.

Then don’t pug.

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I did. Apparently you missed the things I quoted and where it says “experiments.”

But as I’ve said several times… that doesn’t mean people should quit giving feedback, as we don’t know what else, if anything, will go live.

Calm down.

Eh. It’s a pendulum swing. Once enough people crap all over group loot it will swing back the other way.

You got it. I won’t pug. I won’t even group up for Rare Elites in the open world.

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I love you Shreds. Aren’t you someone who just doesn’t group ever anyhow?

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Yeah it’s not like Wrath Classic is showing up as a shining example of a happy community or playerbase rn. Nobody asked for this change.


Yes! No change here. I am neutral on the loot changes.

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I feel the “+7” bonuses is just making it more clear some gear is better.

But I don’t think it changes loot design, because these types of items already exist. They are way stronger than their item level indicates such as Gavel, Edge of Night, Old Warriors Soul, The First Sigil, Veinripper, etc.

I can see how it would be a problem.

However I do think that some problems could be mitigated to a degree if people surrounded themselves by people who aren’t jerks instead of pugging everything. They also might make friends in the process.

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I hope this is just a testing thing and not a removal of all other loot options for raiding. PuGing and doing personal is quick and easy. I get guilds might want other options tho as they progress.