The first nail has been driven for DF

If I understand things correctly, if this is in LFR, you can count on anybody that wins something getting kicked after every boss kill. It will be great if a tank wins something that might be a dps item for another class(s) - sarcasm of course. Heals will go almost as smoothly. Of course, this would also be a good way to kill the concept of LFR for all of those people that have fought against it’s existence over the years.

Items like edge of night and gavel were ‘mostly’ fine because they existed for specialized roles - a rogue wanting daggers wasnt competing with the entire raid for them, just any other rogues that were also there, so rarity was slightly less of an issue. First Sigil was worse because half the raid wanted it, and it sounds like its going to be the same issue if not worse for these omni-class items.

I’m not against items being good for a majority of a raid group at once. I’m a bit more against these omni-role items being so good everyone will want one and creating a waitlist that will last the entire tier, because it creates haves and have-nots and being a have-not feels really bad.

I mean if we’re being real does this not just naturally exist in the MMORPG environment anyways? Whether it’s gear or collectibles character progression based games simply feature this con

To an extent. But there’s a difference between waiting for a drop you might be competing with 2-4 other people with, or being 14th out of 16 on a priority list for an item you would really like.

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Exactly. Exactly! This is an mmo, and the major pillar of any game like this is social dynamics. Pugging, queued content, etc are terrible for fostering relationships and communities.

This is a brilliant change and I hope they continue to incentivize being in a guild or even community.

One extreme to another is how they’ve been doing things for years. It’s what happens when you get factions within creative teams.

They need to stop fixing what isn’t broken.

Great for guild groups but for pugs this would be a disaster .Let’s say ,one person isn’t a guildie enters a raid ,normal you are allowed one piece of gear ( if it is agree on) and the one loot you need is also need by a guild priest because it’s intelligent gear you roll to see if you get it ,you win but then the trouble starts . Don’t say it doesn’t happen.

100% if this makes it to live I will roll need on ANYTHING I can to just keep someone else from having it. This was done so much and so often before personal loot and well at this point screw it. screw it all. I give zero $hit$ now.

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Or just adding Master Loot as an option again.

I don’t remember anyone wanting group loot back but being able to create a raid with either Personal Loot or Master Loot imo is what should have happened.

So far it says they are testing it in Beta not that it’s officially for sure going to be in for Live. Beta people go give your feedback if you don’t like it or think it could be better.

Yeah I don’t get this. All they had to do was make loot tradeable regardless of ilevel.
This is why I hate Blizzard. Instead of making a simple rational design decision they go with the most frustrating.

Vulpera are based off foxes which are mammals so don’t know what you’re talking about

We need to push this bad decision back before its too late. They have 2 months to fix this or else its going to be a nightmare.

Everyone will, if blizz thinks people will respect each other not to need when they don’t actually need it…they don’t know their playerbase.

It’s important they know its not a wanted feature. Testing for this particular thing or not it means its on their radar and it needs to be buried 6 feet under, just like Necrotic.

No, I bought a tiki torch and pitchfork. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Feels weird to call group loot a “test” when it’s what WoW had for most of it’s lifespan. If anything, the “test” was Personal Loot.

Talking about people acting like Blizzard’s hands are tied when it comes to race design. So what if they’re lizards, they can have a more humanoid male and female form if Blizz wants them to. It’s like saying vulpera are based on foxes so the male and female should look the same. Or female tauren should have utters because that’s what cows have and that’s just the rules, Blizz.

It’s insane. This is a fantasy game. Blizz aren’t constrained by real life lizard biology any more than they are with foxes or cows. And besides, for the life of the game humanoid draciods have had male and female models. So, yeah, there’s that.

Every guild I was in that fell apart, usually did over fights over loot. But It’s almost like the current Dev team doesn’t understand why any of the changes and quality of life changes were made before…

This is what the community has been asking for…

Blizzard, “You get the carrot…. Then you get the stick!”

Well guess what Blizzard doesn’t want them too so accept it like don’t see why it’s such a big deal.