The female goblin love thread šŸ„°

Respect for the female goblins, but i must say:

Draenei have the superior /Waggle

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Sorry but I think Vulpera have got the female draenei beat with the waggle.

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We definitely have the best waggle.


Nothing beats it!

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someone better show those gobbo ladies some love, theyā€™re too much for me, and theyā€™re gonna get sassy if they donā€™t get some. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No one beats the Draenei /Waggle. This is fact. All other statements are denial.

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Nahā€¦draenie are hasbens.

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Hi there!



If hasbeens are better than whatever it is you got then I feel sorry for you. My condolences little gremlin.

And how I do love that voice line so much!

Which caster class makes the most sense for Goblins?

Given their interests I would say fire mage. That way they can light their own fuse.


Destro Warlocks have more boom for their buck though?

Be a goblin priest and worship the almighty dollar. Activision can be your prime deity, and EA the ruler of the underworld.

Your religious goal is to amass as much wealth as possible, for when you die the holy accounting master will tally your profits to decide your lot in the afterlife.

Basically a ferengi.

You can even macro your spells. Like, your resurrection can shout ā€œfor just five hundred gold, we can HEAL this boy!ā€


Lol, you made me laugh. Thanks. I got enough priests however.

Just shifted mogs, andā€¦ wellā€¦ wow.
Thing about Jade Plate of a Goblin Femme? It makes us look more topless than, well, going topless. I am impressed. And for once, almost embarrassed.

Almost. No profit in embarrassment.


been trying to farm for that. Only got the bottom.

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Wow needs more risque skimpy mogs!

This thread confirms. Goblin women are the most well endowed in terms of chest size.


Kazamite, good for brain AND boob!


Those really are some amazing rocks!

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