The feldrake will go the way of the slime cat

barely anyone did that compared to the ppl that just bought it for normal amounts of gold

thing wasnt worth more than a mil until like end of legion?

Gold is money, friend. - Mitt Gobliney

sure but in mop it was worth like 100k lol most ppl got it then

Yeah because you see SOO many feldrakes being used atm. Almost kinda like no one cares.

You obviously have no idea why people like things.

The Slime Cat was a low-quality ground mount you had to jump through a bunch of stupid hoops to get.

I never bothered going for the Slime Cat. I had zero interest.

The Fel Drake is something you can get for watching a stream. I’m doing that. And the mount will go directly into my random mount up rotation, so I will most certainly use it for the rest of my life.

What sort of drugs convinced you otherwise? I need powerful substances like that in my life, too. Share your reality-escaping tips & tricks with me.


Yeah because that’s when they were duped


is that something anyone should care about?

It means it was already made trivial and meaningless once before.

What’s another go matter?


these are some kind of mental gymnastics here lmao

a couple hundred extra were put into circulation into a pool of millions so that means its trivial lmaoo

The amount of people that

A) Know about the Twitch thing and
B) will bother and/or remember to log in and get it

will be about the same as the number that were duplicated

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I mean, it went from being a TGC item that was extremely rare and valuable…

…To being some fluff for advertising for Dragonflight.

Yeah, no one will use it, because everyone who sees it will be like, “Yeah he got it from muting a Twitch stream”

It’s not a mount that really means anything, but it used to be before this promotion. It was just a rarity that will no longer be rare.

And that’s still accounting for the TGC dupe thingy.

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and yet it just like the tree and the worldbreaker mount etc didnt stop all these forum lords from arguing months in advance about how they’re the best idea ever and everyones gonna love them!!

only for them to become 1/800 that never gets seen and the ppl that genuinely did like it and got it before are now the target of people who are on some anti whale campaign as if everyone that has it spent 3500 on it

Dude, I use the tree and the worldbreaker mount literally every day. They’re in my mount rotation.

Where are you getting these statistics from?

Like this

Says who? You obviously aren’t looking at me play. Who are you observing to get these statistics? Maybe you’re paying attention to raiders. If so, stop. Raiders aren’t real WoW players unless they do a lot more than raiding.

Look at the entire population. Spend some time on a Full server in a busy player hub and watch what mounts people are using.

You’ll quickly learn the truth.

Nobody cares how rare your mount is. People ride mounts because they think they look cool. Full Stop.

Everyone can have them or no one can have them. To most players, that doesn’t matter in the slightest. If they’re cool, they get used. If not, they don’t.

obviously lost of ppl care about rare mounts or there wouldnt be this back and forth everywhere would there

u trying to pretend that the collectible industry doesnt exist irl either? and that ppl havent ALWAYS cared about rare stuff?

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This “back and forth” is like 5 people.

You’re one of them.

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bro the posts saying its a bad idea have hundreds.of upvotes and replies going back and forth ur delusional

and now ur pretending like rare collectibles havent been a thing in the world for forever. people have ALWAYS cared about rare things

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Well, I have the spectral tiger, the X-51, the Brutosaur, the Bloodfang Widow, the Carved Ogre Idol, all the BlizzCon goodies, a dragon kite, a personal weather machine, a D.I.S.C.O. ball, a foam sword rack, an ogre pinata, an Ethereal Soul-Trader, the original Bananas, the original Hippogryph Hatchling, a metric ton of Party Grenades, the Core Hound, several RAF mounts including the Jungle Hopper, a murloc suit, the Big Blizzard Bear, a picnic grill that makes grey food that came from the TCG, Nat’s Fishing Chair, the Tabard of Flame, the Tabard of Frost, The Flag of Ownership, and plenty more.

And I don’t care how rare anything you have is. It isn’t impressive.

What’s impressive is knowing yourself and choosing the mount that best suits you.

you not caring doesnt mean that there arent hundreds of millions of people on the planet that do care about rare things lol

and that extends to people in wow, too.

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You have a lot to say when I say something isn’t impressive.

But nothing to say when I mention what IS impressive.

Have you managed to do this or not?

ya cuz im not worried about how u feel about them?

u think other stuff is impressive. cool. that doesnt matter to me though lol

im replying to u telling me how i feel is wrong