The Father of Emerald Dream

Good thing you old farts keep coming back to remind us its dead, keeping these forums alive.

Yall probably text exes at 3am every few weeks too.

Ravenhuul will be in here soon.


Minor foruming on ED doesn’t mean Classic got boring for me. Still playing Classic primarily.

I don’t view it as a competition either. If people prefer retail, cool.

I’m glad our charity posts are keeping this forum husk shambling slightly. It’s not as if the newer players to ED can get a mildly interesting conversation going by themselves.

Are you as bad in Classic as you are in Retail? Link your warcraftlogs.

Tfw when Tallywhacker isn’t even relevant on his own thread :rofl:

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Feel free to compare our armories. My excellence is apparent whereas yours is…well, you might want to put yours on private.

Wow, look at that hard dodge. Your logs must be embarrassing. I orange parsed every raid.

Social media in 2021.

I don’t even have a level 40 toon in Classic. I am replicating my Vanilla experience by exclusively playing low level BGs.

Fixed it for you.

I’m glad you found Classic raiding and their one-button rotations fulfilling for you (whoever you are) since retail was such a struggle (based on that awful armory).

Out of morbid curiosity, how do you compile over 20K achievement points but can’t achieve 1,550 in arena or get beyond 1,100 in RBGs?!


Yikes. Imagine being dim enough to be elitist over pve lol

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haha tallywix got a small PP. what a doofus.


Charax, you are that person who washed up from a swamp half way through mop. Go back to twisting nether, you’re a joke (Which you are self aware of, to be fair) and you’re garbage at PvP. Also please don’t waste my time trying to justify your piss poor performance with your carried ratings. You play like a 1400 player, we’ve all seen it.

Point is man, don’t go around preaching about how much you hate your self and what you are, it’s not nice to your self, char. It’s 2020 and we’re all about self empowerment now okay, none of this self depreciation it’s unflattering. So stay positive and remember the beating you took from me in that duel tournament, for old times sake.

Poor tallywix getting attacked by some one who’s just as idiotic as he is, this is a travesty.

Hello Tenthos,

Most Emerald Dreamers look fondly back to the MoP era and let’s be honest with each other… it was largely because of the excitement I generated on the forums and in-game.

I also came from Veco, not Twisting Nether, just like my pal Heltor.

I never participated in a dueling tournament so congratulations on your fake claim of beating me in one.

I see you edited your post several times. Are you nervous talking to a legendary player?

BTW, no idea who you are (not surprisingly).

Imagine being so cringe that you try to flex an rbg rating in an MMORPG. You’re basically screaming to the world that you had a bad home life growing up.

Tomatoes tomotoes, both non existent realms. And I love how you’re lying about the tournament lmfao. Also oh no i’m not well known wahhhhhh, lmfao. not every one thinks like you do sweetie.

Even in your insults you lay down how lame you are. Thanks for responding though, I’ll be sure to cherish this droplet of acknowledgement.

I just wasn’t allowed to participate in duelling tournaments and for good reason. Prot warriors were virtually unkillable (but the DPS was nerfed so it was hard to kill others too).

Specced for victory rush on demand, passive regen at 30% health, ToT 2 piece tank bonus… it was really dumb.

But hey, if you recall a duelling tournament from 10 years ago where you defeated me, good on you. I am glad you can cherish that memory.

Sorry that I don’t remember being in a duelling tournament or know who you are. I hope that doesn’t detract from one of your WoW highlights.

This might work as an insult if I could remember who you are.

Having to rework the bant three times after the fact and still being this flustered lol

Okay, this legit made me lol. Take your like and go.

Ah, ED forums, how I’ve missed thee.