Oh? And how much have you managed to change the narrative, Troll?
It’s less that I’m wrong, and more that your whining is worthless.
Because it illustrates my point: don’t get too attached to one portrayal, because
Soon the Night Elves, in addition to having their tree burned and taking the Gnomes’ place as the butt of every other joke, a feat in and of itself I might add, may very well have to deal with losing Elune and her turning out to be traitorous. They too will have to get over it and adapt. Sucks? Sure, but at this point I’m starting to wonder why people haven’t taken Game of Thrones logic into this: don’t get too attached to any one character.
No, but it’s their property, and what they say goes. So you get Caelia. Enjoy. Or don’t.
Like more than once they say the Horde population is down with Slyvanas. This is never explained. When the big rebel fight does happen it’s pointedly not most of the Horde population but just Forsaken, Goblins, Belves and Mag’Har. You know 4/11 of the Horde races and not even all of them as Lor’Themar and Gazlowe are outside so… /shrug.
I’ve mentioned this before but the only ground level reaction you see to this stuff is Zenkan and the God of War refernce Orcs. And the ladder’s more interesting because a father trying to explain a terrible war to his son - with the son punching holes in his gruff statements with the matter of fact observations childhood innocence brings- is an immediately compelling and heart string tugging thing.
Like Earth’s a pretty screwed up place you’ve probably been both of those characters at different times to different extents. That was the best writing about the Blood War and it’s dialogue you can easily miss if you don’t hang out around Orgrimmar’s Taurentown.
Like the cutscene mentions Alliance farmers going to war but that’s not how war works - their adultish kids go. Imagine a scene where an aging, already war wounded farmer tries to sign up but his son rushes in to the office and scolds his veteran father for trying to take his place. Then the dad erupts about how he can’t bare to imagine his child going through what he did.
Ya know add some story beats about the tragedy of war in a story alleging to tell a story about the horrors of war.
Like hell just a couple of lines with a Forsaken couple nervously parting ways as one departs for Darkshore about how they’re legitimately afraid this may be a final goodbye after defying previous final goodbyes.
Give me two Goblins chatting about how Teldrassil is really screwing with them as they also know exactly how it feels to scramble to a boat as everything they’ve ever known and built is consumed in flame.
A gnome who really doesn’t know much about the Kaldorei but had to flee Gnomergon trying to awkwardly tell a refugee it gets better.
A Deathguard and Forsaken civilain address eachother
Marcire accidentally bonks Verfaller with her helmet as they embrace
V: You almost knocked my nose off with that thing!
M: Try not to lose it, it’s the only thing I still find attractive about you.
They both do the undead cackle but then embrace
V: Please. Please. Please. Be careful.
M: Well you be careful with what we’ve left so I’ve more than a tent to return home to.
V: Try not to get hit in the breastplate. It’s the only thing I’ve ever found attractive about you.
Another cackle and embrace
M: We’ll be together again no later than Winterveil.
V: … You said the same thing when you went off to defend Andorhal.
M: And we were back in eachothers arms, eventually, weren’t we my love?
Another embrace and Verfaller does a /cry when she’s gone
That’d be enough but if you REALLY want to drive home war is hell add a hastily scribbled ‘We’re not going to make it. Please, please, please - Be strong without me, for me’ letter you recover from a Forsaken corpse and bring back to Verfaller.
I just made that up in ten minutes. Melodrama isn’t difficult.
Did the goblin leader change happen cause last I heard that was only in data mined broadcast text and not actually in the live game. I would also say that saying the Horde’s honor was restored is like saying the Alliance got justice for all the things the horde did. Blizzard is saying as much but it sounds very hollow and unconvincing. Plus Thrall is back as a B grade warrior.
Really? So your saying that means the Alliance would be completely unjustified to show any aggression against the Horde now? Because that is what that would mean.
Your saying the rubbish blizzard is telling horde players is valid but the rubbish blizzard is telling alliance players isn’t. That is very much a double standard.
Because your idea is justified aggression, not unjustified aggression so the whole time Horde players will have in the back of their heads a little voice saying ‘we kind of deserve this after being such genocidal monsters’. It will feel like punishment for being bad guys we didn’t want to be rather than an act of cruelty inflicted by the Alliance that we could feel validated in being indignant about.
For that the aggression would have to be driven by greed or bigotry, not a desire for revenge.
In the end of the day I suspect the factions will be almost entirely uninvolved in Shadowlands. It will almost certainly be almost entirely neutral questing like in Legion. I mean, at least to start with, our characters are the only ones from Azeroth who can make it out of the Maw and that is due to Azeroth giving us a hand through the Heart of Azeroth.
It’s been odd to me they were never used as a platform for achingly sappy romance. Personal relationships are never explored outside Windy and Natty Blight or that one bit in BtS where a human yells and walks away from his undead wife.
Which is used by Greymane as a ‘That they could be rejected and not murder things with their claws shows me they’re still people’ moment - which will always come off as weird af when it’s said by a werewolf.
Like it’s a race that’s begging for Byron and Shelly Gothic Romantic period insanity where you keep your husband’s petrified heart on your person (this is a thing the author of Frankenstein did). But they never do that. Yeah the implications are kinda odd but they’re undead not dead. And they’ve done weird things before. Like the deeply disturbing idea that Garona was the result not of a human and orc but experiments on the Draenei and all that implies.
Honestly the rep grind should be long ago sorted if you stuck to a main for BFA. WQ rewards sort of necessitate you getting exalted. Outside the War Resource Rewards. Like Benedikt isn’t sitting on an amount of them large enough to by all rights launch his own faction.
No, I mean for me as someone who’s never managed to level a horde past about level 10. Unless my Ally-side rep grind transfers to the analogous Horde race? That’d be nice.
Yeah my Nelf DH is my highest Blue toon. And trying to do the grind on him to unlock the two Blue allied races I’ve an idea for is a task.
But we’ve got like, 8 months till SL at best. So I figure after I max Bene’s cloak and gear, then do the same for at least my Forsaken DK, maybe I’ll have time to finish leveling my DH and unlock at least Kul Tirans. As I think playing a total witch of a KT Druid will be fun. I’m actually annoyed by how hideous you can’t make them. It’s the Horde problem again where all the guys are hunched monstrosities but the women are hotties with bad dentistry.
Yeah, I sympathize. I’ve tried to play Horde, honest, I love the lore for some of the races, etc etc, but I just never can click with them when I play. And then they want me to kill nelfs. And… it just all falls apart.
That was my exact reaction to Worgen. Having not played since Wrath I figured maybe a new game should facilitate a different faction play through. Noped when it told me to kill Forsaken. Felt like I was cheating on a spouse at that point.
Eventually it was explained that my caveman ways were wrong and you could level Red and Blue toons on a RPPVP server. So I got the Worgen up to about 20 but lost interest when the Nelves rolled in and said “Oh hey you know that compelling drama about trying to square your humanity with your new monstrous nature? Yeah nvm you’re good” and checked right out.
The Kul Tirans interest me as Boralus seems, well, kinda gross. A place where fish heads and cigar butts line the steet. A place where a man might break your norse because you stared at a building for a second and he marched up loudly yelling “OIYALOOKINATMUHBIRDYAFOOKINWANKER?!”.
Feels legitimately human and Drustvar’s Grimm Fairytale witches are just chief’s kiss.
Some people complained about how they’re thicc but to me it seemed like they finally made a version of humans that feels, well, human.
Boralus has a ton of great RP spots, too - and also a lot of NPCs who’ll try to kill you for looking at them, though they’re pretty much confined to specific areas.
I’d love to be able to level horde-side, I wanna know the story first hand. I’ve even faction-swapped several times, joined terrific RP guilds, but I just… can’t play Horde. I’ll stand there on my tauren or my belf or my goblin or whatever and just… be like dude, I don’t wanna kill those guys, can’t I level via RP?
I mean Forsaken main since '04 on my end so all Alliance silhouettes look like a handy food replacement.
Seriously I’ve at length written about how the Forsaken aren’t written with enough nuance but on the otherhand - how have they never had a scene akin to this;
Oh, I get it, I do. I’ve mained nelf since my sister convinced me to start playing; don’t get me started on the things Blizzard has done to nelf lore and how crazily they’re written – “perfect warriors” with millennia to hone their skills and a literal blessing from a goddess that means you can’t see them if they stand still, who get out-stealthed in their own forests— no, no, I’m not gonna soapbox. I’mm focus how Return of the Living Dead is a blessing on mankind and now I have to go re-watch it, tyvm for that I should be asleep already.
Seriously if the Warfronts were done correctly you could’ve had another horror themed cinematic structured around the reconstruction of Stromgarde. Have some hapless Human Footman stumble upon mutilated comrades. He holds up a torch to see dozens of glaring haunted eyes in the darkness. He flees and reaches a Gnomish comm tower before he’s ripped off screen for loudly implied gruesome cannibalism.
The Comm Tower which is basically just a weird phone goes ‘Private [Whatever]? Private [Whatever]?’. A clawed hand grips it and says “Send. Reinforcements” before crushing it and cackling. The camera pulls back to show Master Apothecary Calder Gray as he throws back his head in a mad laughter. Bolts of lightning from a Tesla coil reveal an entire army of Forsaken with all the panoply of war in the background.
I expect the scenario would sound more awesome to me if I weren’t mostly just here for the nelfs. And if your faction hadn’t slaught----no, no, I said I wasn’t gonna soapbox.
Just know… we’re coming for you.
Or we would be, you know, if Blizzard didn’t hate nelfs.
But c’mon it made zero sense that the Nelves and Forsaken were fighting. Don’t get me wrong I did find it visually interesting to see the forces of Life and Undeath clashing. But there was no good story reason for it. The Nelves are fighting for their homeland and the Forsaken are fighting for… what exactly? Oh that’s right they were Saturday morning catoon villains to be killed there.
Imagine the Core Horde forces in Darkshore who Nelves have reason to hate. And the Forsaken battling the Alliance core races in Arathi - ya know the place they’ve been killing humans in for 15 years and with Lordaeron gone they’d probably have a vested interest in seizing Stromgarde. And then they’d have a reason for being maniacal pricks because, huge history of mutual hatred with living humans.
Total missed opportunity. Darkshore as it was felt very much like a “Who tf are you?” situation.