Rant Incoming
As someone who stopped playing from Wrath until Legion my biggest disappointment is how much worse the faction conflict became.
In Vanilla to Wrath it was mostly fueled by mutual prejudices as well as practical points of contention like territorial disputes and resource scarcity. The Reds and Blues were never in all out war but there were flashpoints, proxy wars and paramilitary raids in the form of PvP.
This was a very good idea. Everyone appeared reasonable. Like in the Undercity you had RAS doing horrifying things to humans, but then you got into Scarlet territory and saw humans doing horrifying things to sapient undead. Man’s inhumanity to man begetting more man’s inhumanity to man. Not exactly Pulitzer worthy but jaw dropping to 12 year old me who was mostly familiar with ‘shoot the bad guy’ narratives.
So imagine my disappointment when now mid 20s me returned after the better part of a decade to see that the story was now being written by people with a 12 year old’s understanding of nuance.
To the best of my knowledge the Horde is constantly a cruel instigator and the Alliance are always the beleaguered suffering heroes - trying ever so hard to coexist with these monstrous savage races.
What a downgrade from Warcraft 3. Where we saw both Humans and Orcs causing big problems by being bigoted, fighty pricks. With the more wordly, open minded attitudes of say Thrall and Jania being shown as the best way forward. The first cutscene was a human and orc soldier nearly killing eachother before both presumably being killed by an infernal. The message was clear - coexist or die.
WoW, I thought, was going to be an interesting exploration of ‘How?’ on that note. And the answer was not very well but, managing. The Horde and Alliance would constantly dick eachother over but like at the Outland Dark Portal would come together to defend their home. And that was a good enough basis for a setting as any other.
But then came Garrosh, evoking the tragedy of nuclear arms in Theramore - you know the only human power on Azeroth that might’ve become at least neutral to the Horde? Now you could say “Well that was the story of the Horde overcoming it’s dark roots as personified by Garrosh”. And hey that could’ve worked but now we have BFA and, Jesus Tapdancing Christ.
The Forsaken kind of highlight the descent of the factions into a narrative dead end for me. In Vanilla through Wrath they were always the darkest on the morally gray gradiant. But you’d frequently encounter quest givers who had no ulterior motives and were legitimately just benevolent and kind people. You’d see glimmers of enduring humanity behind the haunted, hungry eyes now and again that reminded you the setting was not cut and dry. Good and honorable souls persist even in the darkest of places and times. A simple but accurate and I’d argue important moral to the fable Warcraft is.
But today? Puppy murdering bad guys who are unrepentant pricks to entire populations they’ve just now met and have no reason to hate. Outside token sensible undead Voss you’ve Admiral Tattersail legitimately distraught about the fate of her living captains and that’s it.
I do at least hope with this council idea they’re moving the Horde back to what it ought to have continued to be. So long as Thrall, the walking fantasy Orc Moses, they can’t be dumb chaotic evil bad guys.
But I’ve zero idea where this leaves the Alliance. Who are now run by Emperor ‘Cantweallgetalong’ Anduin. So unless he puts Trollbane in charge before fing off like Thrall did I’m betting we’re going to get the Horde being out of control lunatics next time we need a new BG.