who was scaped goated? Saurfang is dead, sylvanas is being hunted, and the sylvanas loyalists are in chains, are you really that upset that some nameless catapult operators where showned to be punished
Again, if you want to be in a faction you think abandons their principles (which you believe the Horde does), play Horde. I don’t want that out of the Alliance.
The game is suppose to be fun. Clearly we enjoy different things. I (at least in Warcraft) like being the good guy, standing by principles, etc. The idea I’ve supported is to work towards building bonds (which I think is more standing with said principles) than ‘slaughtering civilians and children in revenge’ as some have asked for.
There’s a middle ground between being stupid and being bloodthirsty. I’ve acknowledge complaints about feeling reactive and not doing stuff. I just think what can be done about that doesn’t have to involve the Alliance doing things I consider pretty extreme.
the factions should be different too
I wouldn’t start with such extreme things. I mean doing more like playing and not just wait until the Horde finish themself and ask for peace. I’m just sick of ending the war and hearing from someone like Moira Broncebeard thta mistakes were made by both sides. I mean that’s also a lack of realism I think. Like we’re all surrounded by characters which seems to be mind controlled by Anduin and agree with everything his majesty says.
Sure. There’s room for improvement in the Alliance story, no doubt. I don’t want to let people think I don’t understand their complaints. There’s definitely area for more tension and action, like with Tyrande’s recent events.
Oh so you want realism then? How about the alliance countinues the war, but then the lower classes raise up cause they are tired of dying for some kings war, you know like medieval wars tend to end.
I’d rather get no story at all than such a poorly written story. That’s why Classic is head and shoulders better than Retail in terms of narrative.
You are talking to a Horde player masquerading as an Alliance player.
Just look at the upvotes on her comments.
Always Horde players and the Blizzard shills like Amadis and Katiera.
It’s about the fact that the Horde agreed to follow her in the first place after she committed genocide. The whole, “Just following orders” excuse doesn’t fly and never should have. If the Horde want the benefits of following one Warchief the Alliance needs to enact on them the consequences.
Also I hate this BS of idiots both in game and on the forums even trying to compare the Alliance and Horde as being the same shade of ‘morally grey’.
Anduin says that Arthas and Dealin are the Alliance version of Blackhand and that’s a god damn joke, Blackhand was a murderous tyrant who didn’t need any subterfuge or lies to have Orcs serve him, they served him because they were just as cold hearted as him and murdered innocents either for their twisted goals or for the fun of it.
Arthas was literally targeted by an outside influence (an Orc btw) because of the anguish he felt having to deal with the Legion’s influence directly affecting him. As soon as he went off the deep end he basically abandoned the Alliance and went his own way, way before he did any truly evil acts. The Culling of stratholme was a true ‘morally grey’ scenario because the citizens were truely going to die in a matter of minutes and raised as bloodhungry Undead anyway.
Daelin meanwhile wanted to exterminate the Orcs as he both wanted revenge for what they did and believed (rightfully so as hindsight proves) that they would always be a threat to Azeroth as they are just genetically predisposed to be genocidal killers.
In both instances, these ‘ghosts of the past’ are completely the Orcs fault whereas the Orcs evil are completely theirs.
what about them so nameless characters then? Cause all the named ones rebelled, so which nameless characters are we gonna punish?
The timing of the rebellion was too late.
it was a pointless one.
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH how the f are people this dense, rebelling only when you are now the one suffering doesn’t account for jack.
The Horde actually come off as not only evil, but utter cowards because when you talk to the Horde leaders they say stuff like, “Holy crap Sylvanas is just as bad as the Legion! B-but please don’t tell her I said that, I’ll continue to be a good boy and do as she says, she’s so scarwy”
Imagine if the whole Alliance started indiscriminately killing the Horde population, like Tyralion kills Anduin, takes over with everyone’s approval and uses every resource the Alliance has to annihilate the Horde and actually makes like half their races extinct. But he then also goes crazy and starts killing anyone Alliance side who doesn’t worship the light and only THEN do the rest of the Alliance kill him and stop the war.
Do you honestly think the Horde would care? Cause if you’re Alliance that is pretty much our take on the Horde. They don’t stop being evil because it’s wrong, they stop being evil because it isn’t working out for them. It makes any attempts of ‘reform’ a joke because they haven’t truely changed, they have just changed until they can change back.
I swear to god some people can’t seem to father that NEITHER side actually got a good deal out of this. I am kind of sick to death of Alliance fans trying to tell horde players what was fun for them. That isn’t something they get to pick.
If Alliance players want what the Horde got they should get ALL of what the Horde got so BOTH sides get to see how it feels on the other side of the fence. That means being forced into fighting people that you have no good reason to be fighting, being complacent in atrocities against people you feel don’t deserve it in the least, having to follow a leader who committed these acts and you know is going to stab you in the back and final have that leader and characters associated with them either die or go villain while the rest of your factions seems blindly oblivious to why what it did was wrong and instead needs it explained to them after said villain says something mean about them.
You want to swap, then we should get a FULL swap. Thrall can teach your leaders about what honor is. You can end the expansion with your whole faction looking like blatant hypocrites who need the Horde to teach them how to be decent.
You all want your revenge fantasy and frankly that isn’t what you would get if you got what the horde got. Pretending any different or pretending that somehow it is fair for the Alliance to get different treatment with reversed roles is rubbish.
The Alliance story got screwed cause it got no satisfying conclusion. The same thing happened in MoP. This was the inevitable outcome the moment they decided to do Garrosh 2.0. We both got screwed. Welcome to the reality of it. One side of the playerbase shouldn’t be screwed over for the sake of the other in either direction and though you seem in denial of the fact that is pretty much what you are after.
Oh believe me plenty on the Horde side recognize that. That is one of the key issues Horde players have. Blizzard has no real understanding what morally grey actually means.
Blizzard wants faction conflict but they don’t want to stain the Alliance’s noble persona. The Horde is always the aggressor. The Alliance is always justified in every attack it does and even then goes out of it’s way to avoid things like civilian casualties. Hell even in this war they go out of their way to justify every action the alliance does.
Blizzard can only handle good guys vs bad guys and since they don’t want to ever do anything to make the Alliance look questionable or morally corrupt in any such way, they throw the Horde in the toilet and destroy any sense of moral grounding or honor the faction has while spinning rubbish to try and pretend they do. Some horde players swallow that rubbish because they want to keep playing and the alternative is to end up like me disgusted and angry with what blizzard has done to your faction’s identity and soul.
For faction conflicts to not end up like this the only way is if the Alliance comes down of its morally justified pedestal and it becomes about us vs them rather than good guy vs bad guy. That said, I don’t think a lot of Alliance players really want that. They want to hit the Horde hard but that is because they feel it is fully justified. They probably wouldn’t be as comfortable if it was because of an act of greed or bigotry or even self interest.
Letting people make their own stories within the loose setting is better. It’s why I started exclusively playing on RP realms to begin with because the stories you see people make up for their characters and with each other using base lore is far more entertaining and immersive than the main story Blizzard farts out.
This is one of the things where I was the odd one. I actually liked (and still do like) my Garrison.
Wait, you think I’m a Horde player? Because some Horde players and I agree on some things? Honey, I haven’t managed to play a Horde character for more than like 10 levels since I started playing the game. I’m seriously torn between laughing and feeling sorry for you that you think the world and the people in it are so narrow and homogeneous.
Well, now that you’ve made it all the way to level 10 you’re free the join the already-genocidal Horde and feel very smart about… being genocidal, I guess. Good on ya! Go have fun.
If it talks like a duck. Looks like a duck. Then it’s a duck.
Its seriously sad people feel the need to pretend they are players of the other side because they are just darn concerned about their counterpart’s issues.
By the way how many times are you going to act outraged, leave, then come back again?
You know I would not mind at all let the Alliance blow up Thunderbluff and everyone in it, turn the grasslands in this light plagued zone and then we can kill Andiun because he went light cray.
I am 100% all for it.
As far as I am concerned Alliance could do literally anything and still be justified. And if some Horde character are going to be the ones to finally not do anything about whatever I did then great!
Oh, this isn’t outrage, this is legit funny to me. I’ve never successfully leveled anything but a night elf – I actually really wish I could play something else, there’s so much good lore in the game, but every other race I try just winds up languishing.
And I suppose I’ll come back as often as I feel like.