Oh its not outrage time yet of course. You only pull that card when you run out of arguments.
Anyway I just found it interesting in most posts you participate its to push for Horde player concerns.
I want to assure you your opinions would be taken just as seriously if you posted on your blood elf character.
I do have a level 100 boosted belf DH I thought I’d be able to play and then didn’t, a couple of DKs languishing around level 58 or so, and some lowbies I hop onto once in a while out of boredom or to send mail to some Horde player I’m RPing with. But Tyrnathera has been my adored main since…2012, I think. She started as Seyahat and then as Stormcaller on Emerald Dream, and now Tyrnathera on Moon Guard, and I don’t hide behind alts.
And I’m still just kind of baffled by you, but it’s becoming more a bored baffled than a snort-laugh baffled with every interaction.
Do you think it was when you entered Goldshire in Moonguard that you decided that Night Elf fans need to be shafted this expansion for Horde’s benefit?
I mean I would understand if that was the catalyst. There is great evil in that place.
You really seriously don’t know anything about me, my frustration with the way Blizzard writes kaldorei, my anger at what they’ve done to them this xpac, or anything else apart from whatever posts of mine you’ve chosen to read here. You should feel free to check my profile for earlier posts, but if we’re gonna start casting aspersions based on things like server, well. You’re on Emerald Dream in a guild that has three more Zs than it should and two too few Ss. Having to avoid one tiny town on Moon Guard is a small price to pay to leave a server that forgot what RP five years ago.
I know you are a person who rather than debate uses personal attacks.
Lol yeah sure, I would believe that if I saw you actually participate in various threads of what could be a good “fix”. And so far all I have seen is “would someone please think of the horde!?”
Its a video game with pixel people. Me wanting pixel people dead for being pixel evil for my enjoyment bears no meaning on my RL attitudes when it concerns real living humans.
As for the Horde yeah they don’t deserve humanitarian treatment.
Fixed that for you.
How are they a Horde main if they don’t have Two Sides achievement? lmao.
And this line alone is why it is impossible for the tables to be flipped and for it to be fair. For it to be fair, it would have to be unjustified and therefore nothing you can suggest would make such a flipped situation fair to horde players.
To suggest otherwise is to treat horde players as second class players who deserve to get a crappy deal because they chose to play horde. You want the whole cake. Bad luck. It is a two faction game. We both get to feel unsatisfied, just in different ways.
A bunch of jibber jabber just to say the Alliance sucks and to cry about the Horde. This game is developed by Horde mythic raiders in the highest developer positions designing the game for themselves, so of course they are going to prioritize the Horde and gameplay mechanics for what they play instead of a game that appeals to a large consumer base. The reason WoW gameplay sucks right now is because the main game director is a mythic raider so the main content they focus on is a raid and the rest of the content is just tedious and boring dailies, time gates, and weekly’s. There is nothing else.
Story wise you might not like the Horde but as far as what the Horde player base has asked for they have received. When they asked for Zandalari Paladins they got them, when they asked for Vulpera they got them, when they asked for a loyalist option they got it. That’s because the developers play Horde.
Oh Blizzard could say it would be unjustified but we would all know otherwise.
Its exactly how they are trying to push this idea that Saurfang is this great hero who sacrificed himself and saved the Horde and their Honor.
I would love to see several movie grade cinematics to replace our blue warchief with a council.
People love to claim ‘you aren’t on their side’ if you disagree. Classic last ditch ad hom.
Is Pheandra even a alliance main I mean 87 isn’t max level
You are miss understanding how it works by the way. You wouldn’t be killing Anduin. He is the peacenick like Baine. It would be Tyrande or Genn with Shandris or someone throne into the mix. Anduin or someone like him would still end up the ‘chairman’ of your council. If Anduin was doing the slaughter you would probably like him a lot better. It is a long proven fact that all an Alliance character needs to do to gain popularity is slaughter some horde. Just look how people came around to Jaina in MoP when Garrosh blew up Theramore. Alliance players were posting threads calling for her to be hanged as a traitor prior to that. Likewise Malfurion has had less hate threads for being a ‘horde appologist’ lately and even Anduin had a spike in approval when all we had of BFA was him in armor leading the Alliance against the horde and killing a troll in the expansion reveal trailer.
No. You would be helping Anduin do favors to the Horde and helping him rebel against your evil leader.
They also have the “two sides to every story” mounts.
In the original Alliance council, Teranas didn’t micromanage the war effort. He left it for Lothar and managed the politics, because the Human kings wern’t lobotomized drones who were Wrynnsplained into obedience. This is of course before Blizzard consolidated everything into the Blue Warchief title so that Varian or Anduin could get the ‘lion’s share’ of the spotlight.
Anduin being out in the killing fields goes against his character. Anduin being a Teranas replacement would work very well for his character, and keep him from lobotomizing other Alliance characters in Blizzard’s disinterested method of story-telling they reserve for the Alliance. It would also allow battlefield commanders like Genn and Tyrande to call out Anduin on his sheltered nativity.
I believe the best way to go, is when is enough, enough?
Yes, the Alliance could do absolutely anything and feel justified to do so. Recent history has a lot of unpunished crimes by the Horde. So much justice unserved that the Alliance playerbase is practically galvanized due to BFA’s embarrassing ending. Every Alliance player just made a collective. “That’s it!?”
If the Alliance were to ever act out of line. I would love to explore the story of when pursuing justice goes too far out of hand. Tyrande could make an excellent example of her right for vengeance goes too far and the Alliance has to realize their mistake before they start going after themselves.
I can imagine this demand for blood ends up having the Alliance fight itself due to Stormwind’s actions always leading to the suffering of others in the Alliance. Worgen and Night Elves finally deciding that Stormwind has to pay for its actions. Thusly going too far with the demand for recompense.
fake news!
Yeah if Andiun started to slice and dice Horde soldiers, citizenry or leaders I would like him a lot more rather than “but muh Arthas” Andiun.
You have a point there.
I’m pretty sure she used to post on a different (Alliance) character, who is 120.
Anduin had the potential to be cool, but then Blizzard made him the infallible 12 year old.
That’s the point, to make it unfair so the Horde can be treated like crap for once.
Lol plz don’t even pretend it’s comparable. The Alliance just lose lose lose to the Horde and end the war worse for wear, the only thing they ‘win’ is stuff that already belonged to them.