At the same time it’s especially amazing how many Americans don’t see ourselves in the Horde when it’s so obvious.
Like there’s an Alliance quest where you go to Gallywix’s resort and kill your way through his service staff. But I mean all, those wage workers goblins should have thought of that before deciding to work for an institution that pollutes the environment, exploits its workers, and chases profits like Walmart, Amazon, Starbucks, pretty much any US corporation, Bilgewater Cartel , right?
Claiming to be nonwhite is a pretty common tactic of these people. In forums where a photo is used they’ll even go as far to use a random Googled photo.
Believe what you want but its clear you cant defend the Horde races continued and unapologetic evil behavior.
If could have you would pointed how wrong I am about the orcs or the forsaken.
You dont have lore to back up your hypothesis so you attack others personally instead.
PS. Its pretty racist to assume that racism and prejudice is an exclusively white behavior.
See Rwanda for a memorable example.
The fact that you are okay with the extermination of entire races is pretty disturbing. You used to be hard on the Horde but you didn’t go this far until you were convinced otherwise.
As for your analogy…no one called for the extermination of all Germans after the war.
Everyone should remember what they are dealing with when responding to this poster. It is a complete waste of time to discuss with someone who is arguing in bad faith and on top of that…is delusional.
all what i am saying is that is a faction that should be dismantled and anyone who defends it must go with it. and it happens that these races support this faction.
the tauren do actually seem to be decent people. baine more or less earned being forgiven…
but… what about the rest? what did they do? why we should stop?.
Well Germany and Japan are reformed sovereign nations in their own right these days. These two groups (Horde and Alliance) should be helping forge lasting bonds to benefit from each others’ abilities and culture to build a better future. My main concern is much like after the Second War, the Alliance needs to have a stronger hand in that because they are a noble faction. And obviously that’s a two way street. As I suggested there could be good gestures from the Horde as well, such as helping regrow Teldrassil.
that would be good to see, i hope horde players don’t see that as humilliating because i think that is the right thing to do and imo is not humilliating.
that is of course if we want to repair somehow this mess and we can move forward without an ocean of hate that will consume it all.
all what we need is good will!
the alliance already show theirs, why can’t the horde?. that is my question.
Sylvanas and the Horde wanted to wipe the Night Elves and they nearly succeeded thanks to the collective effort of the Horde players.
The majority of the Horde was still in full support of Sylvanas until she literally left on her own when she admitted she did not value them due to a temper tantrum.
You also have the Orcs with a LONG history of mass slaughter on planetary level.
Yet you still claim that Orcs are not evil.
Please, please tell me you’re actually just in-character right now.
If you aren’t, if you honestly think this way, then I submit we need to lock up all white American dudes right now because those guys are freakin’ dangerous.
How can you EVER justify speaking of an entire race as if they are all one single person, each and every individual guilty of crimes committed by someone else entirely??
I think they can and should. It’ll just depend on the writers (hopefully) taking that course. There’s ample opportunity to explore there, especially on a more personal level for minor characters. Wanted to hit that home as well that I’m not saying it should be a one way street.
For the second and last time… I ain’t white but that really doesn’t matter.
Since you know… I am a human… skin color doesn’t magically change the way I think.
Unlike Orcs of course as depicted in WoW… they are racially different than humans.
We have the OG orcs that invaded azeroth.
They blamed the demon blood but after that still went on multiple killing sprees.
In WoD they still went on their global genocidal campaign with no demon blood involved and without player interference would have succeeded.
BFA was pretty much the nail in the coffin for Orcs as a race. Even Saurfang’s internal dialogue in the novels and cinematics makes it clear he did not view the killings wrong. His sole problem was how it was accomplished. He understood the reasoning why Sylvanas did it and had followed her because of it.
After Teldrassil he stood shoulder to shoulder with her again. It was only she turned on her own people with the blight that he turned on her.
The Orcs as a race are wholly evil as in they are without morals as we understand them.
They are a threat and if they are allowed to ACCORDING TO BLIZZARD will wipe out any race that does not serve them.
That is what the orcs are in warcraft and how Blizzard has written them.
As for Forsaken.
Well they hate the living and want to end all life. More news at 11.
This is who they are. Also, their favorite thing to do in this forum is to start “why the Horde needs to be exterminated” threads or turn other threads into said topic. You aren’t dealing with someone who is rational. Others with far more patience and eloquence have argued with them but nothing changes.
My points don’t depend on whether you’re white. I’m white, I’m a woman, I’m Episcopalian and a lifelong southerner and I can’t WAIT for the Black Widow movie to come out, and my points don’t depend on any of that either. They only depend on recognizing that people are individuals resposible for their own actions regarding things they can control.
Several folks here are literally advocating the mass murder of entire races, down to and including infants, ignoring the good many members of those races have done and continue to do in favor of focusing on the crimes of other people entirely to try to justify what’s nothing more than hatred and bloodthirst.
It is impossible to justfy genocide. The best you’ll ever manage is a sick rationalization.