You think that what’s missing to get good players is teachers, when in fact, the vast majority of players hadn’t ANY teachers. This is a game with large amounts of data available online, and the only thing that’s needed to become a good player is will power and determination.
I went from full clicker in Cataclysm to only keybinds in Mists of Pandaria, and this change alone made wonders, in 5.1 I get my first Cutting Edge, and I had ZERO people teaching me. I learned everything from Google, YouTube and Twitch Streams, and ofc practice, and all this only happened because I really wanted to be able to clear Cutting Edge content.
Later in that same expansion, Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard announced the 20-man only size for Cutting Edge content. But we were a 10-man guild in a small realm with only a bunch of other 10-man guilds (around 6 cores) and we decided that fusion would not be a good idea, so we spent literally one year recruiting and teaching other players. But even with all that effort we only managed to kill Mythic Imperator Mar’gok, we weren’t able to kill either the nerfed Garrosh 25-man HC or Blackhand Mythic, and our guild broke up for good in Hellfire Citadel.
Hopefully, I made some good friends in Mists of Pandaria that allowed me to get both Garrosh 25 HC CE and Blackhand M CE nearly touching the deadline, but I only left said guild when we broke up in Hellfire Citadel.
You’re clueless about your solution, the biggest challenge when we were recruiting and teaching other players was because said players wanted to clear Mythic content, but they hadn’t the determination and will power to do so. We lost countless people that thought that wiping too much isn’t fun, that criticizing others is bad and toxic, and even that good players should carry the bad ones… they weren’t good players, most of them only wanted to be carried.
I left the Alliance for good after trying another two guilds at the beginning of Legion, and my former realm is nearly dead now.
The least that Blizzard should do to fix the problem without bribing/luring Horde players are:
- Bring back 10-man Cutting Edge Raids;
- Allow Cross-Realm Mythic Raids on the beginning of each tier (no more Hall of Fame BS);
- Allow both player AND guild faction changes from Horde to Alliance for free;
- Remove ALL combat Racials (flavor racial like Vulpera Backpack, Nightborne Mailbox stay);
These things are not meant to bribe Horde players, it’s meant to bring back former Alliance players that are now Horde. But even with those things, I wonder if they’re not too few too late.
So, please, stop with your nonsense about teaching other people, you can keep spitting this “solution” all around, but we all know it’s not going to change the situation, if Blizzard keeps doing nothing, the imbalance is going to get worse regardless of what is discussed or done by the people that post in these boards.