The faction imbalance is going to strangle this game

Eventually this problem will become such that there is no option other than to allow cross faction content. When enough people like myself transfer and re-roll Horde like I’m doing for Shadowlands, there will be no one left, and there will be damage done that is hard to recover from.


I personally think everyone has different experiences… Alliance run rampage for me, so hard to get anything done…

Thank god i can fly now.

Nazj pvp Alliance always win.

I’m considering making an Alliance haha

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The Daedalus Project.

Posted on July 28, 2005.

'Players who prefer the Horde score significantly higher on the Advancement, Competition, and Mechanics motivations than players who prefer the Alliance. In other words, players who prefer the Horde tend to be more achievement-driven, more likely to enjoy provoking and challenging each other, and more likely to be min-maxers. On the other hand, players who prefer the Alliance tend to score higher on the Role-Playing and Customization motivations than those players who prefer the Horde.’

This has been the Horde/ Alliance demographic and dynamic since the beginning.

Player choice has a lot to do this this; players choose how they encounter and interact with this game.

I cannot see that this was ever an issue Blizz created, more likely an issue of the type of people who associate themselves with being in the ‘good’ side, who prefer a softer, more human experience, versus those who aren’t really too fussed and prefer a more fantasy-world experience, and enjoy being on the rougher, less perfect side.


Dude over all its pretty much an even 50/50 split.

I 120 its basically 53/47 horde favor. That is a 3% difference, which is not really much. Infact thr factions being within 3% of each other is pretty good for endgame level characters.

Faction imbalance is a false issue.


implementing cross faction would make me unsub and I know a few people I play with would do the same


Facts prove there is a giant issue, servers being 50/50 means nothing when the below facts exist


Yet alliance by its nature is a product created by and marketed from blizzard…and all products end up being consumer driven one way or another. So if a company is failing say 50% of their product its now a customer created problem with no fix?


we didnt need another thread post in the other one


Which is a very good point, which was why even when Alliance was dominating in pvp due to broken racials back in WoD, Horde still had a good amount of competitive people both for pve and pvp.

The same doesnt hold true in BfA though, because the people who were playing ally for the competitive advantage went back to the horde and now there is 0 reason to play alliance.

In other words for any hope of achieve a semblance of balance in competitive activity alliance needs the edge so people jump over to the alliance and their followers follow while horde remains a dedicated good base because horde


It isnt helped either by the fact that they keep giving good races to the horde and give trash to the alliance like giving vulpera a new cool race to the horde while alliance gets diaper wearing gnomes that look disgusting.


But are they failing, or is this a player perceived situation.

We play for ourselves. When I’m on my Alliance I’m not rueing the fact that Horde are doing better at Mythic etc… than Alliance; I don’t care. I play how I want. If more Horde players wish to be hardcore, good for them.

Alliance and Horde seem equal in game to me, someone who has played both Factions since the beginning.


So what you’re saying is that it’s not an ‘imbalance’ problem it’s an alliance player problem, correct?


But it musn’t make a huge difference because Horde/ Alliance still sit at around 50/ 50, don’t they?

(On Oceanic Alliance outnumber Horde.)


You would be correct.

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No problem I’m just trying to understand the train of thoughts…I don’t generally have a opinion on them one way or another, but the forums are hot with the topic currently, and was looking for methods to have more incentives that don’t result in excessive bribes then lead us to where we are now.


They’ve created raid bosses that end up favoring horde in some way on accident. Voodoo shuffle, rocket jump, etc. But I’m positive this is simply a customer created problem. I have a single 120 alliance, I’ve never been drawn to them or their story.

When I was first introduced to this game by a friend, my first character was an undead. I thought it was so neat you could play a historically evil race and never looked back. He was an Alliance main, Gnome mage, and desperately tried to get me to play Alliance but I was having none of it.

Blizz could offer a few million gold or game time and I still wouldn’t switch. Judging by a lot of the Alliance outcry over Sylvanas and how anybody could follow somebody evil, they wouldn’t change either.


That’s one way to look at it. Hey, we should all roll Horde instead. Oh. That’s already happening. What a way to fix a problem.


The bribes are terrible for us who play on Oceanic where Alliance far outnumber Horde. Warmode has practically ceased because of the Alliance ‘incentive’ that Oceanic Alliance really never needed!


server or overall population means little, who cares if for example a server is 70% alliance yet 50% of that alliance are erpers in goldshire.

Effectively you have 30% horde and 20% alliance so what needs boosting is the effective alliance population.

And yeah rn alliance is outnumbering horde in warmode, you barely see horde and alliance always wins battle of naz and air lootbox unless someone invites people from other regions, pretty much what is happening in EU and NA with warmode being hordemode but the other way around, not sure what goes on in pve or pvp group since i am not playing horde


I’m guessing you’re not looking at 120 characters. At max level it’s 53% horde to 46% alliance.