What, and i can not stress this enough, the hell is this thread
One year later….
I guess this troll bait gets more funky fresh the longer it sits.
Pretty good bait, really.
I gotta wonder if it bumps threads if someone posts and then deletes their post…
Alright, alright, alright! Here we go with reading into things too much again! I could go on a long rant, but I’m not in a ranting mood…
The hand of the Horde minus Mulgore is a deserted wastelands without natural resources. Goblins poisoning the southfury river made it worse. If the Orcs wanted to survive we need to leave Durotar for good.
Trolls were the first civilization because they build the first mortal empires. Nobody cares about old god minions. Also the night elves subjugated every race they came across with their magic. They are not the victim of any sense and should be in Nazjatar close to the maelstrom where they originall come from and give all the land they stole back to the trolls and Tauren.
Because alliance bias.
No, Erevien. Not in this case. It was intentional, intelligent worldbuilding to create a more nuanced debate between the Alliance and the Horde regarding the “Ashenvale issue”.
The Night Elves canonically ruined Kalimdor during the war of the Ancients. Places like the Barrens, for example. They’re the reason most natives of Kalimdor have to fight and kill each other just to survive, because there simply aren’t enough resources left.
The fact that most of Kalimdor is either desolate or deadly was meant to be the Horde’s argument for trying to take Ashenvale. Meanwhile, the Alliance argues that this is the Night Elves’ land and they have the right to hoard their resources if they want (remember, they refuse to even trade with the horde).
It’s really funny how much more nuanced the faction conflict was when this game started. But the writers just aren’t interested at all in this universe, so they assume it’s all stupid and try to replace it with their own nonsense.
Facts is the night elves shouldn’t have lands south of ashenvale. The Horde has been at disadvantage since vanilla considering military strength and questing zones. We need to fix this in another world revamp otherwise nobody will play Horde anymore.
For one, the orcs were refugees. It was never their land and even then they took land from the Quillboar who lived their for generations. Second, the night elves were trading with the Horde, until the whole Wrathgate happened.
See argument above. Ashenvale should have been their only zone (night elves). The rest of Kalimdor should have been Horde controlled from the start.
By that logic, Erevien, I assume you think Tirisfal should have been the only Forsaken zone.
As usual, your faction-bias is clouding your judgment on wholistic narrative quality.
Arguing with him is like arguing with his polar opposite on the alliance side of things. You’re not going to get far and you wind up just being frustrated
Yeah, but at least I won’t get gaslit, gatekeeped, and girl-bossed like with the Alliance guy.
I much prefer interacting with Erevien. He even has good points sometimes. Just too often clouded by faction bias.
Oh, he has his moments of clarity. And you’re right, he does make good points on ocassion. He just lets his faction pride get him into some…well, weird rants
Just like the alliance controls the best parts of the eastern kingdoms the Horde should be the same with Kalimdor. Blizzard giving al the fertile lands to the night elves was the true faction bias that makes the game unbearable.
Erevien, they didn’t do it this particular thing for faction-bias. If anything, the fact the Night Elves are hoarding all the resources after they destroyed the continent and let everyone else starve and fight over scraps just makes the horde look like the good guys…for a change.
The faction bias comes in when Blizzard decides to do nothing with this complicated issue, and chooses to just sweep it under the rug despite focusing on the Ashenvale situation so much. It’s similar to how they always backtrack on Alliance “crimes” since cataclysm. They can’t ever be allowed to do anything remotely wrong, and anytime they do it’s downplayed or forgotten.
Or worse, they justify said alliance action because in the next story, blizz has the horde do something soo over the top ridiculous that it makes the alliance look right in the end
The intention doesen’t matter. The outcome does. And right now the Horde is in a second age of dying out. Durotar is not able to provide a living for the surviving Orcs. Similar to Draenor after the Draenei genocide. If the alliance keeps all the good land our faction will continue to starve and poverty.
This is literally not the case. I don’t have any orcs to do the heritage quest with but pretty certain one of things mentioned is the forest that Daelin cut down was regrowing now.
And even during Cata this was just a concern of Thrall. He basically said, “we need to tighten our belt, but we are orcs, surviving in harsh environment is our thing”.
Edit: a like from Erevien, did Sylvanas free all the souls already?