Reminder. Don’t fee the trolls.
You can feed them sunlight. They’re allergic to it apparently
This is why WoW’s timeline is annoying, honestly. The spans of time are either way too long or too short. The discussion in this thread is talking about land ownership and colonization that was fought over in events that happened two thousand years ago minimum. And the lore treats it as if it’s topical, not taking into account how huge a timespan it is.
It would be like people in England somehow being able to trace their bloodlines all the way back to the Britons and then complaining about the Norman Conquest. It would be ridiculous, and that “only” happened a little under 1000 years ago.
I like chocolate milk
We must go further back. Complain about the Roman invasion lead by a certain J.C.
That’s true, however in some way it does make sense that racial and historical grudges stay strong for super long due to the generally extremely high lifespans of Warcraft races. In Nazjatar, Thalyssra really behaved as if she had left the place a year ago
Has anyone pointed out how various Native American tribes allied with various European powers in wars against other native tribes/European powers?
Edit: Yes. Yes, they have.
It’s that part of history that people like Gund don’t want to admit actually happened. Because they themselves have a very romantic idea of how the natives and other groups lived, whereas history shows a very ugly side of human nature
You mean Paul. Christ was dead at the time. But Paul was crucified under orders of Nero.
It’s in the lore of the shaman restoration artifact.
Creatures of all kinds populated these waters, and they were at Azshara’s beck and call. Whenever she walked the bridges of Lathar’Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar’Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits."
Yeah that def sounds like something Azshara would do lol. Thank you!
To be fair I think that a lot of Warcraft races live waaaaay too long as well.
I meant Julius Ceaser… I thought that was obvious.
Why did you go straight to Jesus Christ?
Skimmed the thread. The basic premise here is, “Colonization and oppression of natives is fine so long as its my faction doing it.”
Good to see a Sunday thread thriving even past Sunday.
Happy Monday, everyone.
Fixed. This game is about me being a wandering murderer. Frankly a little colonization seems tame compared to that.
Ceasar was a Roman so he can’t be said to be invading Rome, so I went with the only other option.
I think you missed the context of both my comment and the post I was replying to.
Poised was talking about the context of this thread would be like if people in England today went through their family trees, found out that they were descendants of Britons who fought the Norman conquest and complain about that. I said, “nah let’s go further back to those who fought the roman invasion lead by certain J.C and complain about that” (J.C. being Julius Ceaser).
Maybe you will get me in a gotcha moment next time Drahliana.
They are cow people, not human. Stop.
Who isn’t? at one point or another? That word can be applied to any civilisation that evolves beyond having only one tribal settlement.
He isn’t speaking on a real world values that represent the actual person.
This is clearly just a discussion about the actions within the story itself.