Oh, I remember that there was one time the Zandari teamed up with the Mogu to take over Pandaria, but got defeated.
I literally do not understand why this is an argument. Are the english not colonizers because they’re human? It’s a different culture, ruling structure and people.
They’re taking land nonconsensually from the people living there that are of a different culture.
It’s mentioned in the last guardian book.
The earthen were below the surface mainly, they cared for the subterranean earth. Not the surface on which the trolls lived. And if we are going by ancestry then all land is elemental land since they predate even the old gods on Azeroth, and if we go by descendants then the world belong to the dragons, wyverns and gryphons (maybe even trolls since we will learn of their origin in DF) since they all descend from elementals.
By trolls I mean the playable tribe of darkspear, who lived in their ancestral lands until they had to flee to some uninhabited islands. The zandalari are very much colonizers for what they tried to do in Pandaria (several times) etc.
I really hate the current writers made the Centaurs some 10k old race native to the dragon isles.
This quest should probably be removed from all versions of the game, given they are Rated T, and by ESRB standards players killing children would disqualify games from that low of a rating.
Humans made it to those lands before the Trolls did. The Trolls tried to take the land from the Humans first. It’s what caused the Humans to unite.
They’re dark trolls lead by a moon loa and fought fair and square against the bigger bully troll empires.
Your source is a throwaway line that contradicts other sources? Ok.
Ah, now we’re getting technical about what “land” means, I see. The Earthen were created to care for the land they’re made from. They’re more connected to the land than the Trolls.
The Darkspear got bullied by the other Jungle Trolls and had to flee after a naga sea witch flooded their island.
Well, yeah.
The opposite, my dear Nightborne. Sunday is the day when we take seemingly absurd concepts and discuss them, unlike the rest of the week, when we ignore them for sanity’s sake.
…What if I told you that those lands were claimed and lived in by the Amani since 15k years ago? And still mainly held even up until the sundering? This is a map of when the kaldorei empire was at its height. still either way the humans then quickly expanded east into what was clearly still forest troll land. And as I pointed out earlier we can go with later examples as well in stranglethorn with the jungle trolls.
I still don’t understand what you’re arguing here, yes the once trolls singled out a “loa”, found what’s essentially a nuke in terms of power with the well of eternity, and colonized the rest of the troll kind. I agree with you.
What does connectivity have to do with it? The trolls lived on land that’s not related to where the Earthen slept and woke up or had cared for since they shaped the deep earth.
Yes we are speaking of the same tribe.
It just seems to me that you refuse that the Alliance can even be considered colonizers despite the game showcasing clear signs of it. Both factions are colonizers it’s not more then that, just like our player characters are murder hobos.
Can we please settle upon a definition of “colonizer” ? Of course Titanforged having been made “from the land” doesn’t make them less colonizers. Colonizing means settling on a land and establishing political control over said land (which implies driving the potential natives off or at least subduing them). Well many Titanforged races did just that.
Same goes for the Centaur. They are descended from Elementals, who are the very first native race of Azeroth (and arguably the only one, depending on what you mean by “native”). This changes nothing to the fact that they were a colonizing and imperialistic power when they forced the Mulgore Tauren off their ancestral lands.
“Having a connection with the land” gives you zero natural right over it.
I believe that there are references to Human tribes in the third book, but don’t quote me solid on that.
As far as I understand it, both lead a nomadic lifestyle before the Tauren founded Thunderbluff. They never had “colonies” or an imperium. Also, the centaur/ tauren conflict came much later. The first enemies of the Yaungol were the Trolls and Mogu.
I think that the Nightelves called Rhonin an elf ghost / big dwarf in the book. At least they were not sure what he was.
just delete them they are stupid looking and dumb
… I mean, the Bronzebeard are. They’re actually more imperialistic than Stormwind, which to be honest, really isn’t that imperialistic itself. But the Bronzebeard 100% were, at least under Magni.
A thing that definitely never happened even once during actual history!
Well that’s certainly a take.
“These robots built by aliens don’t count as alien robots because the aliens built them out of resources they stole from the planet.”
The Horde is far more imperialistic. There is no contest.
Firstly yes… because it was the Night Elf EMPIRE.
And secondly, the humans did not exist back then so how the night elves managed to enslave them is rather impressive.
I accept this trophy on behalf of my Horde brethren.
Interestingly enough actually it’s implied their imperialism may have been started as retaliation for incursions into their territory, and the Highborne’s obsession with power and such just drove it to the extreme it was.
In exchange for ending troll incursions into night elf territory, the Zandalari would be allowed to keep the sacred Zandalar Mountains south of the Well of Eternity.
None of this is to refute their blunders in the situation- they acknowledge their empire was bad and intentionally chose to avoid becoming another one, despite still being a strong power standing in the world after the War of the Ancients.
Though I will say just to add to my own lore repertoire- where is the lore of the dancing sea giant? I don’t recall Lord Arkkoroc being chained or mentioned to be such in his quests or anything.
In all fairness, in the span of about 30 years, the Horde had to face fel corruption and 2 genocidal Warchiefs. This kinda distorts the comparison with the Alliance. But yeah, overall you’re right ofc. Orcs especially tend to go all out
Well the Alliance sort of inherently exists to combat them tbf.
I would point out that Tyr and his Vrykul fought the C’Thraxxi Kith’ix in the lands that would become the northern parts of the Eastern Kingdoms and the Vrykul were sending their Human children there for thousands of years before the Zandalari woke Kith’ix up again and the Amani chased him east.
“points to Kul Tiras”
Gilneas is based on Victorian England. When the UK was growing into the first real global super power.