The fact that kul'tirans can only be one body type

Aaaand you defeated your own argument there. Whoops. The different clans did have different body types. It’s easy to see when leveling through WoD. But the models we got are only different skins.

I don’t understand why people are obsessing over thin Kul tirans. That option already exist as the base human race.

You are right. Why can’t I be a ghoul, or a skeleton, or an elf, or like nathanos as forsaken?

The fact that Kul’Tirans can only be one body type makes about as much sense as…

…the other 20 races in this game. In fact EVERY PLAYABLE RACE has only ONE body type in this game! Where you been? I’ve played since 2004, so I am USED to this rule. WoW has never had a different rule.

It is bizzare that YOU expect a different rule, just for this one race.

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Except, Orcs has two body types for them. Yea, Posture ≠ Body type, but they still have two models for them.

Not to mention, Worgens has two models attached to them too long before orcs got a visit to the chiropractor.

Regarding orcs: they aren’t new models it’s the rigging of the bones. Then took existing orc models and just straightened them out.

Regarding worgon, yeah they have two models but those models seem to be attached to their worgon models. For theme I assume, but yeah this does show it’s possible to have a character model change.

Now why they didn’t give Kul Tirans the option? Probably for the same reason they ain’t allow trolls to be big bulky behemoths when it’s well within their ability; they want the races to be distinct.

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Pretty happy with the way Kul Tirans look.

I cant even imagine the amount of salt on this thread if they gave alliance only body size customization options.

Maybe if they updated all the races at the same time…but only 1 race would cause the forums to explode

That’s fine and dandy, except they have like 2.5 races that doesn’t look near identical to their base game counterpart in terms of size.

Kul’tirans obviously with their new skeleton and such, Nightborne tries to be different with different animations and body type, and Male Zandalari trolls uses the night elf skeleton and the female ones at least have some varying animations that makes it slightly different from their usual. their height could help with that, but like i said, 2.5. (Despite, the zandalari trolls should’ve been a troll customization option anyways.).

Skins/Horns/Eyes aren’t distinct enough for me.

your logic don’t make any sense

its stated already that the kul’tirans we are getting are the vrykul/drust descendants, who were born from the union of normal humans and the drust, they have “giant” blood, thus they are big and bulkier

The skinny version look like sick humans and they do not share this heritage, so, they don’t make sene be a option within the playable kultirans.

and 2 completely different forms for a race is BS, they are not like worgens

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I understand getting spammy more the reason Blizzard should listen.

Uh… where? There’s no place stating that. Not even in the Kul Tiras quests. The vrykul/drust blood is just a fan theory. The playable kul tirans are just kul tirans. They being restricted only to large ones is just an arbitrary gameplay mechanic, like male night elves being restricted to amber eyes (silver being the canonical standard, yet we can’t have them) or worgen not having white fur (there’s nothing special about it, and in fact Greymane’s fur is white).

The drust druids who didn’t fight against the kul’tians joined their society, this mean they breed and leave descendants with drust blood.

We Thornspeakers joined Kul Tiran society. Some of their descendants heard the call of the wilds and wished to learn the ancient ways, and so we have taught them.

its among the Ulfar quests

Again, not rly, it don’t make any sense the skinny kul’tirans have the abilities of the bulky ones, 1% of versatility and a powerful punch who can stun a enemy and send him away? with that body? you are kidding me.

look at then, they face is pure vrykul, they size, their strength, they do have the drust blood

There’s nothing on that text saying kul tirans have drust blood. It just says some drust joined the kul tirans, and some kul tirans wanted to learn their ways.

I don’t doubt that there’s drust-blooded kul tirans, but to say the playable ones are drust-blooded is baseless. There’s no canonical source for that.

What happen when a race or a ethnic group join another society? they breed, its just the logic way

I can’t find the quote but a dev said they are indeed drust descendant.

But then again you don’t need a proof when you can see their face, their size and their racials, its not normal human.

But that does not mean every kul tiran has drust blood. Nor that some of them are big because of it. There’s no clear causality there.

Or it may just be consequence of their lifestyle. There’s normal-sized and thin-sized kul tirans as well, and they are all called kul tirans, not some other racial name. I don’t doubt the thin/big human models will eventually be used in other humans, just to represent body type rather than racial background.

Yes, Jaina familiy do not have, the playable kul’tirans are the ones who have

They look like drust, the have the size of a drust and the strength of a drust, its show that the drust joined the kul’tiran society and breed

if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck …

a lifestyle alone will not make the kul’tirans look like vrykul, that is genetic, not just some push-up or academy thing.

If the skinny humans would be a thing, its should be a option on the normal human, not in the Drust descendant people.

There is only one body type for every race in the game though.

Kultirans are clearly not all fat and that’s shown in game through all the npcs. We’re not talking about one specific npc here like Gallywix or Tyrande model, we’re talking about the entire race.
And currently in game: there are fat and “normal” kultirans.
Which is why it makes no sense to be strictly locked to the fat ones.

This has nothing to do with “why should you get…when x race doesn’t?”.

Next trend after anti-high elfers:

“Anti-kultiran regular modelers”


shakes horde pitchfork

Every thread on this topic ever-

“I don’t want to play a fat human, it’s an abomination that you won’t let me play a skinny Kul Tiran!”

“They’re not fat, they’re strongmen.”

“You already have skinny Kul Tirans, they’re called Stormwind humans”

“Yes but I want to whine and be a petulant child because this is a fantasy video game and I must have things as realistic as possible and IRL I’m perfect so I’m going to cry endlessly because the Horde got THREE days of the warfront without an ilvl queue and their mounts have more variations and lulz we got 30% warmode buff peasants”

Wait, I’m confused, what topic is this again?

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Yeah I agree they should add the skinny model as a skin. Maybe the stormwind variant with kultiran face/hair. That’d be dope.

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