The extended maintenance times is annoying

I know it can’t be helped, but seriously. The amount of play time that’s being dug into my paid for subscription is starting to tick me off!



It definitely can be helped, but this company answers to investors not players.


I agree 100%.

Eh, its all relative. Where I am, its close down time, at 12 midnight. So I’ll be heading to bed and fast asleep during the downtime.

I realise that is fortunate for me and a little annoying for other world zone players but there has to be some benefit living on the bottom on the planet… :sunglasses:


You are absolutely right. How has nobody pointed this out before?


Must be fortunate to be home during the daytime to play WoW, instead of job/school like many others.


Meh… I can always find something that needs doing during maintenance. Servers will be back online soon enough.


I have a good job that I wake up at 0500CST every day for, and my off days are Tuesday and Wednesday. I have every right to be irritated.

Also, you know what they say about people who make assumptions.

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I’m actually going to focus on work instead of goofing off… my boss will appreciate it no doubt. Well, if they actually notice lol.

“Grumbles, I need to you finish this intracompany VAT reconciliation. It’s usually takes a while so don’t worry if it goes on a few days.” - Boss

“Sure thing! I’ll get it done.” - Me. (three hours later I’m done and scamper off to eat cookies and nap).



What assumption did I make? I said it must be fortunate to be home during the daytime to play WoW – which is a true statement.

I am fine with the hour long ones here and there but the four hour ones are frustrating, even though I’m WFH and probably shouldn’t be on to begin with, lol.
Often the servers are back up before the 4 hours though, so I’ll just keep checking. I’ll miss timetalking though…for now.

If it was one or two times a month it would be nice… but it seems like 4 hour maintenance is the new normal and yeah it does kinda suck if you were busy with life during the previous week but had an opportunity to get some last minute objectives done on Tuesday morning.

I used to be able to do that but now they reset at 10am Eastern which is right around the time I’m done with my morning obligations and have the opportunity to log in. Can’t even squeeze in one heroic these days.

You’re going to have a bunch of low IQ trolls with sucky lives that give you grief for your post because this is the place where they let out the frustrations from being picked on by their social betters- but they will only disagree with you for show and for claps on the back from their basement peers.

Everyone agrees the constant 4 hours system and the time chosen for it sucks but whether they’ll come out and say it or not says more about their insecurity than that simple truth.

The current system promotes a no-life playstyle where you are pressured into making sure things are done by Monday night rather than giving you even a small outlet to accomplish some things on Tuesday morning and use that time during the week for other things like the trolls’ bumper sticker catchphrase “touching grass.”

Anyone with a double digit IQ and an actual active social life knows that touching grass happens on the weekends for the most part, not at 7 am tuesday morning and that the current system promotes you grinding on the weekend instead of living life instead of providing you with a catch-up window before reset so that you’re free to do other things during the week.


I used to be annoyed by threads like this but now I just feel sorry for y’all.


And they have every right to conduct their business during hours that are most convenient for their staff.

And we have every right to laugh at the people who get upset at Tuesday maintenance, which has been the standard since the beginning.


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Yeah, 10 AM Eastern on a Tuesday at a time when most reasonable folks that work a typical 9-5 job aren’t online, kids are in school during the school year, and those of us that work nights tend to be sleeping.

How dare Blizzard pick the time that would negatively impact the least amount of people.

You guys would have never made it in 2004-2006 when the game was initially growing at a rate Blizzard hadn’t anticipated and they were still new to this whole MMO thing.

Bottom line: it’s been Tuesday for nearly 20 years. Expect at bare minimum a server restart and some kind of downtime. Be surprised and grateful when the servers aren’t down on Tuesday.

This stuff is standard practice when it comes to MMOs. Everyone does it to some degree.

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Yes but have you considered whether it negatively impacts OP in particular? Who cares about the rest of them? I can’t believe you’d be so selfish.


I’m running around screaming in my boxers right now


I wouldnt really call it fortunate.
Basically every person in the western world has 2 days off each week. And of course annual leave from work.

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