The excuse for every race every Paladin is kinda lame

Thats because youre a Shaman

But they weren’t playable. The only undead paladin was special, and our characters; the Chosen Champion of Azeroth, the top Generals of the Horde and Alliance and the Mawwalker are not special.

What are you, stupid?

/heavyheavyScarcasm if it wasn’t painfully obvious.

One example vs the droves of Tauren rogues you can kill is the difference.

The only way I’d accept undead Paladin is if they added more light raised undead like calia to excuse it.

The void elf Paladin is inevitable since they let demons be Paladins even though we’ve technically seen dreadlords while hiding as Paladins and technically chaos magic is all schools of magic.

Again, rarity is irrelevant. Every culture had a ‘first’ something.

It’s OK if the PC is a trailblazer.

I’m looking forward to all the hate mail I’ll be getting when I roll-up into raids as a Forsaken Paladin, wielding Ashbringer, and shouting “FOR LORDAERON!” every time I pop wings.

So you say they removed them from the game when creating classic? That doesn’t seem right. They are NOT an option in classic.

Honestly the light gives the paladins power… other than the forsaken who are unnatural every race could have the ability to have paladins… orcs/vulpera/tauren are a bit weird because of their lore but the light allowed undead priests (even in classic) SO i wouldn’t put anything past blizzard at this point

Classic Race/Class combos- This was the release combos back in 04
Dwarves - Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warrior
Gnomes - Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
Humans - Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
Night Elves - Druid, Hunter, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior

Orcs - Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior
Tauren - Druid, Hunter, Shaman, Warrior
Trolls - Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shamah, Warrior
Undead - Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior

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Someone didn’t play classic.

Someone that also didn’t play vanilla.

The other person instantly knew what i was taking about cause everyone that’s played it ran into the Tauren rogues

Guess that was you. Read the post above yours. Or, like, log into classic and try to roll a tauren rogue.

You said they didn’t exist in vanilla, which is a lie.

They clearly existed to anyone that played Horde vanilla

I’m just going to accept that you can’t admit you were wrong.

Cause I’m not.

It’s like the Troll warlocks that existed very clearly in vanilla

Sorry,op,you just lost me .What?

The origin of paladins were just a bunch of doped up humans forth-wall breaking by worshiping the omnipotence of the cursor that commanded them.

As for Forsaken Paladins, they made Calia and according to Shadowlands, Necromancy can be sourced by the Light just as much as it can be sourced by Death(strange, huh?) so they can explain away how they can have Forsaken Paladins.

As someone who played in vanilla with part of my family… we were horde and no there were no tauren rogues or troll warlocks… i just asked them if they remember and they just told me they had the best laugh of their life… SO i would love it if you could find any evidence (not your word) of this before you keep rambling on about something that didn’t happen

edit: they would have added them to the wow classic servers if they were… like they wouldn’t hold out by being stupid and the THOUSANDS who played vanilla would have said something.

undead priests since classic… they dont need anything else for lore to make the paladins the light has been there

Multiple Tauren rogues threads and you’ll see people point out the grimtotem have had them since Vanilla.

Sorry your entire family i guess only leveled up in the eastern kingdoms some how cause they’re all over vanilla wow.

They were all shadow priest apart of the Cult of shadows, even then a priest isn’t a paladin one is a user of the Light while the other is an actual conduit of it.

Kind of like the difference between warlocks using fel magic and demon hunters being fel magic


The previous dev-cited argument against Forsaken Paladins was that Paladins were infused with Light while Priests just called upon it (while it was painful to do so). Calia pretty much broke all of that and said, “Yeah, undead can be infused and created by the Light without turning to dust.”

Needless to say, as soon as Calia appeared, I race-changed my long-time Undead Warlock main into a Vulpera.

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This. Any customization is a net gain even if it is not your jam per se. A lot of the races have been around long enough too that they could learn from another and most likely have.

We also saw fel necromancy in Legion and technically Teron gorefiend.

Giving us light raised undead would be an acceptable path for undead Paladins to me… instead of individuals raised in suffering but in warmth

I’ll teach a gnome to fly around and breath fire.


Thank you for the laugh, that made my day. I will look forward to flying, fire-breathing gnomes! :fire:

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