The Event Is Going To Happen. Sorry If You Don't Like It

Blizzard is most likely doing this event because they want to focus on Shadowlands and don’t want to waste time and resources on something else.

There isn’t going to be an opt-in for it. You’ll just have to either deal with it or unsub. If I had a different argument, I’d use it. But that’s really all there is when you boil it down.


at what point is it okay for these to be reported as spam?

Lets just use this one thread with over 1000 replies as the place to have this conversation instead of a million splinter threads.


I don’t think they can be. This is an original thread from me. Don’t like it, don’t post.

You can flag it as spam or whatever, but mod will most likely restore it.

Have a nice day.


I mean, if you really want to report it, go for it. I’m keeping this thread up, though.

Again, have a nice day.

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That’s what I’m doing. Both sides are getting ridicules with this.

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It honestly won’t be hard to add an NPC to opt into it.

You’re in Orgrimmar, and Nazgrel is by the Warchief’s board. Click on him. “Hero! You came just in time! We’ve received reports that the Scourge are out of control and heading towards Ogrimmar!”

You get a dialogue option. “Lok’tar Ogar! For the Horde!” And just like that you’re pushed into the phase the event is happening in.

Over on the Alliance this can happen in Stormwind with General Hammond Clay.

I’ve tried it on the PTR, it’s brutal but I don’t hate it. If for some reason I do end up hating it in pre-patch I’m not afraid to keep out of the game for a few weeks until things return to normal. It’s a transient thing, but I at least want to kill Nathanos, things will be back to normal before we know it.

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looks like we’re not the only ones who think so.
We only need so many threading talking about this.


Quit crying about it, it isn’t unreasonable to request an option to opt out. You just won’t be able to grief everyone so I get why you are trying to hold onto the belief that blizz won’t change it.

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We didn’t have an opt-out option during pre-Wrath, and we don’t need one now.


We don’t need an opt-out. What we need is a proper rework of the event so it doesn’t destroy the servers and functionality of the game as it does in its current form.


I’m just gonna set my campsite racial to Winterspring if I need an AH and camp out in my garrison otherwise. An opt out would be nice but it’s still perfectly avoidable.



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I remember the event from Wrath and it really wasn’t all that bad until mid way thru the second phase. At least this time around you can hide out in your garrison and still queue up for most content and never actually go out into the open world. If nothing else, I can always spend a couple days playing other games or doing something productive.

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Problem is there are many who say the event has promise, but it needs to be fixed. And they’re being attacked for suggesting “FIXING THINGS”

PEople are so obsessed with “this must be exactly like scourge assault 1.0 or its an abomination!” that they’re forgetting it can be a spiritual successor and a new batch of players who weren’t around for the original can look back and go “you know, that scourge assault leading up to SL was great!”

But it needs work, part of it being things like spawn rate, durability and infection rate. It also means they have to do something about ACTIVE GRIEFING during the event, which has already reared its ugly head on the PTR.


Blizzard is mot likely doing this to try to get some subs back and because Wrath was their most popular expansion (and BFA sucked so bad). They seem to be going so far as to bring bosses from Wrath back into this event that should have no bearing on Shadowlands - They are Wrath Bosses.

Who knows, maybe the first raid will be Naxx 3.0 for those that never got to experience 1 or 2.

We did this already. Stop giving us recycled content

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While I won’t disagree with you that it could most likely use some tweaks, I do think a certain amount of griefing is in the spirit of the event. Zombies don’t know which side they’re on. I did get knocked out of the air for being infected though (and I didn’t even understand that I was, oddly enough) and I can’t seem to ever find a priest to cleanse me so when I get infected I go boom and take the 5 minute flag debuff. Seems to work well enough, but then I play classic so running for your corpse in retail feels like nothing at all.

How about when you get infected and turn into a zombie, you lose control of your character for 15 minutes or until its killed? Then we all get to share in the pain of losing control of our play…

When you expect other players to be YOUR content … its bad game play. Period.


I can’t upvote this enough.

This states it perfectly!

I do not pay Blizzard to be someone else’s content