The Event Is Going To Happen. Sorry If You Don't Like It

I’ve always had that view.

Especially when Blizzard is stupid and tries to force PvE players to engage in PvP for PvE content. Because the end result is that while you’re doing the PvP content, since you’re not used to PvP, you’re little more than free honor and kills for the other faction.

Now … that said, I do agree that its not fair that PvP players have to do PvE for PvP content. And we should set things up so that neither side feels forced to embrace the flip side.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand!


what event?? im SO confused…

It’s the pre-patch event that is up on PTR right now.

Which is basically the same event that came with the wrath pre-launch … complete with all the bad parts still intact and not fixed.

Why that one? That thread is a splinter thread, I posted about it first. Is it just because that one fits a narrative against the Event better?

OP of the one you linked even posted in it. At time of this post, 57 times even. Second to only me.

is the original thread.

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It was the one with the most “discussion” and I didnt know what the first one was.

Im not fussy on where its all kept, just gets annoying to see multiple threads on the same topic. Especially spawning because the OP read those threads and decided their opinion on it deserves its own topic.

Pretty much what happened with that thread.

They was getting more negative attention in the thread I created then positive so made there own.

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Ah, you got me. Best thing about being a zombie is being able to explode and run back to your corpse, who was I kidding?

I was hoping someone would make another thread about this.

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Can’t I just not log in for those days and skip it?



The level 2 Trading Post building gives you a quest so you can have an AH inside your garrison.

How about when you remember you can just avoid a zone if you don’t want to be there.

What part of being turned into Scourge do you not understand? As Scourge you lose all control of yourself so you shouldn’t be able to chose who to attack.

You are Scourge during the event NOT Forsaken. Don’t confuse the 2.

BTW if you don’t like losing control of your character, don’t get turned into a mindless zombie.

My post was flagged as a “real life threat”…

…Really? That desperate and sad of a person? Get a life, seriously. lol…

Funny how a guy named Trum seems to have the same obnoxious attitude as trump. Coincidence?

Don’t derail this thread with political nonsense, please.


In fairness, most of the replies are the OP talking to herself or twisting words.

It’s almost impressive, the frequency.

what part of “avoid the area” don’t you understand?

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Baine’s cowardice is already spreading throughout the Horde.

It’s disgusting.

Please don’t derail these forums with your derivative thread. Thank you.