The Eternal Palace hall of fame shows the damage Blizzard has done

I feel like this would be more of a impactful statement if the Hall of Fame had closed. 1:19 is where it’s at right now. After the next reset it could be 10:20 or something.

It isn’t fixable at this point unless they decide to make Alliance racials busted for PvE.

Mythic guilds are going to gravitate to the side that has a larger recruiting pool by nature.


Alliance racials are already better.


Where is your documentation that there were more Horde players than Alliance for “several expansions”?


I’d say change racial so they are more like talents or at least have it so racial have an equivalent on each faction but under a different name/different animation.

Yes, removing factions is the best plan.


I’m speaking normally. No emotion coming from my post.

Please point out where Blizz stated otherwise.

But neither side was confined to having to jump to one faction if they wanted to push rating though. You could still be Horde and push rating just like everyone else.


Racials over all give a pretty similar benefit. You could make them exactly the same. You could remove them. I don’t see it changing this issue at all.

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15 years and the alliance still think the problem is racial bonuses and not that they have worse players.


I am pretty sure it is the small boost from the racial which makes the most prominent guild actually go Horde. Which in turn makes people who want to raid seriously go Horde and the effect snowballs.

The same thing happened with PVP a long time ago with EMFH. Hell, if you want, un nerf EMFH and see the population suddenly change overnight!

Yes, because when the Alliance have racials that unbalance the meta, the Horde players dont complain :lying_face:


I don’t. I only have my opinion on the matter while looking at data from previous raid tiers. When talking about Horde being a barren wasteland I said…

Hypotheticals are being presented. Nobody has stated anything factual.

The main reason the guilds are Horde is because thats where the playerbase is.

Alliance racials are basically on par with Horde ones at this point.


But that is what is said every expansion…

The main reason they are horde is because the Horde had better racials for most of Legion. Which mean people who seriously wanted to raid when there and it snowballed from their. Again, add an OP alliance racial for pve(or pvp) and you will top players moving and a steady transfer of balance.

The whims and woes of arena junkies mean nothing to me.

It illustrates the point if racials suddenly were unbalanced for pve in favor of the Alliance, the population would nearly switch overnight.

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Really? You are going to be that guy huh? Ok… lol

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Honestly this expansion is the first time I’ve seen a concerted effort by you guys to really destroy what remains of this game… Every expansion people say it is dying… Well tbh this game is on life support.

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So you are just asking for the balance to be 19-1 Alliance instead?

I mean, at least you are honest about not wanting it to be even.

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It was one of the Q&A’s. Ion stated the populations weren’t perfectly balanced, but they were enough to be competitive.

You must have never had any horde friends. I saw entire guilds and many friends faction swap purely to push rating.

Yup, it was just massively easier to do as alliance…for 13 years…that’s why everyone did it and that’s why the leaderboards were filled with only human classes for pages.