The Essences suck. 8.2 won’t fix anything

You’re telling me I have to go out and find essences?! Absolute garbage it’s azerite armor 2.0.
Not only that, but you also have to level your neck all the the way up to 65 for all the powers.

And the powers and everything aren’t even that good either.

None of this fixes class design. It’ll just improve dps/healing and and secondary stats at best. It doesn’t help the pruning we’ve gotten or the clunkiness and the GCD or the absolute terrible design both talent wise and baseline wise.
Why does Blizzard hate us?


you still mad about this? just make the classes fun to play and we will stop got mad.


They don’t. Contrary to popular belief Blizzard want people to keep playing and enjoying themselves.

The issue this xpac is Blizz painted themselves into a corner design wise and can’t get out. They were so certain about the Azerite system (for some reason), and didn’t even put it on the beta until like…the last month (if I remember correctly) so they had no time to really test it out, see if it felt good, and get feedback.

But this is the system this xpac has now and they can’t escape it without an overhaul, something they can’t do well in the middle of an xpac. So everything we are seeing for 8.2 (and I’m sure 8.3) are band-aid solutions they hope will appease people until next xpac when a new system is introduced.

They messed up with Azerite, and while I commend them for at least trying to fix it up in 8.2, I doubt they will be able to save the class system this xpac.


Did you expect them to go live just sitting on a vendor? If you play the game, you’re going to get probably rank 2 of any essences that would apply to your class. Put in a little more effort and rank 3s will be achievable. R4s are purely cosmetic, and if Crucible of Flame is any indication, those cosmetics aren’t worth the extra effort.

Nobody truthfully expected significant class design changes mid-expansion, and if you did you don’t understand how significant something like that is. The amount of retesting that all current BFA content would need with any design-level changes would easily be +6 months of additional PTR time. Like it or not, a massive production like WoW has schedules and quotas to meet, which is why class design changes are saved for expansion development, and not content update development.

People need to learn that BFA is a dead expansion, Ion said there wont be any major class/system change, only number tuning, until 9.0, at which point is going to be buggy as hell until 9.1 and pathfinder unlocked at 9.2.

TL;DR is come back in 9.2


The rent-a-power/artifact grind systems need to stop. Period.


It would appear they haven’t budged a bit and have just been redefining the problems to fit what they were going to do all along.

Azerite armor, the problem is it’s talent trees in loot crates. Solution, Titan vendor, now you’r forced to buy the talent tree in loot crates.

Next problem, no one likes grinding out the neck to unlock traits. Solution new system to grind out the neck to unlock traits.


You must play your class to find out what’s in your class.

(Not my fault they married classes to the armor.)


Going to have to disagree with you there. There’s one power’s minor trait that looks super OP for DH’s.

I fully expect it to be nerfed before live.

You know what will be fun? Take the worst parts of Artifact Weapons and put them in to a necklace. Get rid of the fun aspects like increasing power, traits, and artwork.

I would love to see the ideas that failed at that meeting.


I wish they would.

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Idk, I think it looks interesting, you can get them from doing literally anything as well so its not like you have to look too hard. I also like how the harder stuff you do (high keys, mythic raiding, high pvp raiding), the better your essences will be.

Also a huge fan of a gear vendor with upgradeable gear being released in the new zone. This is literally what everyone has been asking for since alpha and basically the entire reason gearing is so bad this xpac.


I knew they would fail to redeem themselves and make no attempt to fix BFA and instead just step the grind up. 8.2 is indeed just more grind with more lame content and more epic fail.


100%! I’m tired of having an external power-up system that just gets thrown away at the end of each expansion. Go back to gear just being gear and our characters permanently advancing.


All I know is until they get away from throw away gear abilities, and get back to actual character development. Like the game had from the BC-Mop era core play. Along with giving us back much that they removed from the game, I will not be back.


I’m leveling a new Tauren dk, and man am I ever feeling that lack of balancing not having a HoA or Azerite gear.

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Ion did say that it was wrong to go away from meaningful real power increases to characters. Hopefully that means the next xpac will return to it.

I just wish they would iterate instead of redo systems every expansion.

The Garrison should have been something that’s carried forward and expanded upon each expansion.

Artifacts should have been iterated on and expanded upon going into BfA, just transferred into necklace form and improved upon.

If they kept the Artifact abilities and passives and morphed it into the necklace and layered Azeroth armor ontop of it, I think class design would be better than ever.

Blizzard needs to learn to carry more systems forward instead of leaving them in the dust.


But loot crates loot crates loot crates.

Don’t you know that’s the end all be all of game design now!!!

Anyone can put gear in loot crates, but putting the talent tree in loot crates… That’s where it’s at.

Never mind this is an RPG that isn’t pay to win, go ahead and build it like candy crush or something, because… that’s the in thing with game design.


Honestly next expac they just need to bite the bullet. Delete all Azerite gear. Give us a new talent row and squish the levels bsck down to 60 and introduce paragon levels. Just doing that will probably save retail. Otherwise just bail and go to classic.