The entitlment of elitists is crazy

now go look back at the crap Ion said about azerite traits before bfa and lemme know how that worked out


honestly kind of cool that “meta” is now yet another word that just means “anything i don’t like”


The issue is people dont understand Ion admits a mistake.

They think he admitted a mistake because the community was right, he admitted a mistake because his plans didnt work.

Example being the azerite reforger, he admitted that this didnt work therefore was a failure, why was it a failure? Because the cost clearly wasnt a deterrent to stop min maxers from staying in one build which was his original goal.

Corruption is another, he hoped that people would make different builds due to corruption but then realized that because of the RNG you are gonna have a guy with 9 gushing wounds while you have void ritual and avoidance.

He never said the systems failed for the same reasons as the community, his reasoning is far different but the community just likes going “Ion was wrong haha xD”

That is only for maximum tryhards, there’s ww doing mythic and completing 15-20s, so it seems that whoever doesnt invite them in that content is a toxic wannabe elitist

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as much as i dislike you mr. panda you are correct.

I’ll be honest. I would love for them to get rid of damage meters and block the combat log from being exportable. I think that people would complain a lot but the overall game would be way better without it. Hell I’d also be happy with them blocking off a lot of the API to read people’s stuff.

But all of that is still a pipe dream so arguing for it is silly.

Also I agree that the “failure” is being put more on the people than the idea, which while i don’t disagree is silly because it’s allowed to happen, you can’t point and say “The players are using this wrong” when you allow them to use it in various ways besides just the way you intend.

It’s like if you want corruption to be used only a specific way, then it needed to be built that way. Instead it was built for maximum variety and then it somehow comes as a shock when people immediately jump on min-maxing it. Don’t allow that in the first place and people can’t use it in ways you don’t intend, then there’s no issue.

Ralph, the point of a mythic+ is to complete a key as quickly as possible yes?

If I’m given the option of a windwalker monk or an outlaw rogue, I have 0 reason to pick the monk when the rogue is simply a better option.

That’s the main problem here. Viability doesn’t really exist when class and spec balance isn’t there.

Until all specs are equally competitive viability is non-existent.

It has nothing to do with tryharding or toxicity and everything to do with wanting to finish that run


See, Thats going to far for me cause then there would be no point or no way to figure out self improvement. How would i tell which trinket is better for me or what stats do better for me and removes a lot of what I love about wow. I mean yes it can be used to be toxic but in the right hands, it can also be used to have a better game experience.

I mean i do not min max to the extreme (im not choosing my covenant based on best ability, but about asthetics) but I like looking at the stats sometimes to figure out stuff.

If that is your reason instead of loot then clearly why invite anything but the mathematically best combination for a 15 which also happens to be different than a 29 ;^)

I instead invite based on who seems to be skilled, if i see an underperforming spec doing well they are definitely getting my invite compared to the same but meta spec because meta specs often get carried because bad leaders invite meta spec hoping it would carry them only to find out said player somehow fails even as BM hunter and gets carried by the rest of us therefore his times arent even his.

THIS IS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, perfect balance will never be achieved, especially at high end, Ion confirmed this.

All specs are viable, I have done keys with 2 shadowpriests and we timed it just fine(in a non interrupt heavy week/dungeon obviously)

Specs are viable, you are just being a tryhard and think you need to be optimal for a m15 or mythic when I do both sub optimally just fine.

You quite literally admitted you dont care about classes being viable for a m+, you want absolutely optimal as if that is needed.

It can be, but you know the saying. A few bad apples spoils the bunch. Enough people use it wrong that I could see a good argument being made to just remove it with “this is why you can’t have nice things” as the justification.

True, but its such a driving force behind how wow works that its one of the hills i will die on to keep.

This game would be permanently dead the day they removed meters (or endgame raids).

Sorry Ralph.

I have to say this is one of the situations when you call someone out on it, you end up having to point a finger back at yourself as well. We who want the game to be designed to have locked covenants are wanting the game to be designed around only us, and Ignore them. We are no better in that regard.


Nobody has said anything like that nor even implied that.

I don’t get this sudden toxic behavior of people getting enjoyment out of seeing top end players not like what they are getting.


Keep in mind that “we” includes the devs and Ion.

And more importantly my point was, when a game chooses a direction that doesnt include your playstyle, it is pretty clear it is time to pack it up because it is clear the devs are ok with losing you as a player for the benefit of everyone else.

Which is what is happening right now.

It is like if the game decided to remove dot classes for whatever reason, people who enjoy dot classes have no option other than to leave if their core fun was dot classes.

See I’m not so sure. Plenty of games don’t have meters (or don’t acknowledge them) and seem to do well enough. Raids are another story entirely.

Will you feel that way if they decide to choose to reverse this choice and unlock them?


Which is why nothing of what you said will happen in game.

Its a tool for improvement and it is used as such. I don’t want to wipe in a dungeon 3 times and go “Why are we failing?” I want to be able to see oh its because the rogue is doing 5k dps.

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No I will of course be against since it since I would see it as caving and pandering to the wrong people.

But I am not as certain we will be seeing covenants as swappable any time soon before 9.3 because their goal is to eliminate the sameness of every hunter for example in a mythic raid boss. (yes ultra tryhards will still do that, but everyone below that without 4 chars wont which is the vast majority)

Like that is their ultimate goal, no 3 hunters in one encounter should be the same.

If they make covenant swappable their entire goal is gone and I have strong doubts they will be doing that anytime soon.

Completing the key as quickly as possible is the best way to maximise loot.

The quicker it’s completed, the more drops yes?

If I’m forming a group and the windwalker and the rogue are equally skilled (which is impossible to tell until you actually play with them), then the rogue is still in my overall groups best interest because that class and spec is overall more viable for what is being attempted.

If blizzard are currently unable to make specs reasonably competitive with each other, then that is a fundamental flaw. All specs should be competitive and viable.

You talk about your two shadow priest run, good job you finished the run, but could you have completed it more effectively with a different spec/class in place of that second shadow priest? Yes.

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If blizzard are unable to balance the different specs and make them all competitive, then why wouldn’t all three hunters in this raid be the same?

If Beast Mastery is well ahead of Marskman, why would you play Marskman when the goal is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible.

This will not eliminate people playing the same specs and builds. They are forcing people to pick the same things more than ever to be effective.

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