The entitlment of elitists is crazy

I am talking about covenants, dps meters was an example.

I like dps meters, they are literally a core part of my enjoyment, if the devs told me they are removing them I would understand and leave.

The devs are saying they are removing the ‘i change to be optimal for each boss/content” yet as we ve seen the people instead make a ton of topics demanding blizzard pander to them even when it goes against their vision

Like, they act as if the world revolves around them

so what is your issue with the meters. I see how it helps people i used to use them in the beginning to see how i fared. I stopped because i though that it was detrimental to my play style. over the last few days i have learned it was not. It had no effect in the way i want to play my hunter. have i been kicked before for low dps yes. but it will happen i shrug it off and move on. It is An RPG which means even the Devs are not supposed to tell us how we play our characters. the build the world we play in it. I have played games with out a meter. i quit cause i could not figure out what i was doing wrong

oh look, no actual feedback just complaining. Its not a shill to like Dps meter cause of the utulity and self improvement it gives. The covenant thing is a whole other issue.

Not really, the devs decide to remove something that was previously a thing, that means they don’t care about losing the people who were liking that previous thing.

The difference is if they ever did remove dps meters I would move on and play another game\

The elitists on the other hand will make a ton of threads demanding their way of playing is kept in the game instead of accepting reality

Spitting facts up in here.

What is worse is when they take this moral high ground about it. Like video games can be balanced for everyone enjoyment, and because they are not getting what they want. The people who don’t want that are the bad ones.

Like really?

Criticizing when you think Blizzard made a bad choice isn’t thinking the world revolves around you.

People aren’t entitled just because they voice their disappointment with something they’re paying for.


It isn’t a bad choice, it is a fundamental philosophical difference

The devs aren’t wrong for saying in an rpg you should never be optimal for everything, people might not like it, but there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with that stance

I say its a whole other thing, cause I am on the fence a little with it. On one hand I see what they are saying, on the other I hate the leaving every fight to go do the optimal stuff for that fight every boss. I mean if people think that having the wrong cov is a deal breaker, should dps switch specs per boss to in pugs since lets say demo lock is good on the first boss, but then affliction is good for the 2nd. No, in 90% of the pugs you will play one spec the entire raid unless your a off healer or tank.

At least with dps meter, If they removed it I would prob leave to cause its such a ess tool to me that wow would feel, wrong without it.

TBF, Blizzard goes against their own visions. WoD is a testament to that.

It’s subjective which is why I used the word “think”.

The devs aren’t wrong but neither are they right. There is also nothing wrong about thinking that you should be able to be optimal for everything.

Trying to tell people they’re wrong for giving feedback even on a fundamental design philosophy is worse than the people who are demanding they make covenants freely swapable.

and I say this as somebody who has been arguing against freely swapable covenants.

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it’s more of a forewarning of frustrations bound to present them selves when they can be other wise ignored

I don’t see people calling to be able to get the rewards straight off the bat from every single covenant, I don’t mind the idea of sorting myself into a Harry Potter houses

I do mind the player power being tided to it for a varying list of reasons that I believe are overall negative to the entire player base


Another Ralph post… wonder when he will be banned from the forums.


I understand what you’re saying here but as I said in a recent thread like this, you only add fuel to the fire. Everyone whether we like it or not is entitled to have an opinion on the game they play and enjoy or not. It isn’t up for me to tell someone that what they want is irrelevant or not. Just like I’d hope the opposing viewpoints wouldn’t tell me the same. But I suppose that is where a perfect world would be.

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I am a casual player but I am becoming elitist because of Blizzard’s inability to have a coherent vision for WoW as a MMORPG.


Where are all of the entitled elitists? Most of the very good players that I’ve meet have been pretty nice. It’s the fire mages doing 30k that you have to watch out for!

As somebody with a mage who sims about that much DPS right now, I feel personally attacked =P

Kind of rich seeing how the person that has been saying this is the one that pretty much started the meta builds when his guild had what would be considered the Icy-Veins of it’s day .

Please don’t feel attacked! It was a joke.

I’m unsure why Ralph acts as if Ion has any clue as to how things will work in the game, and how people will and won’t act.

Ion has been wrong on so many things, there’s literally another thread where his view on corruptions was completely inaccurate.

What Ion wants and what ends up happening are two extremely different things.

DPS meters are a useful tool, why would I want to take someone on a run who’s performance negatively impacts my groups run.

People will always want to play to the best of their abilities. There are some specs that are not viable and are virtually not worth taking anywhere (Hi Windwalker Monks). You keep spouting nonsense about how you should be viable and not optimal, well many specs aren’t viable, and people always push themselves to be optimal because it’s fun to be the best you can be.


I almost wonder if Ralph is Raistlin v 2.0.